"Wow. Never expected that." Ginny smirked. "Who knew, huh?"

"It'll be alright you know? I know it probably doesn't seem like it, but if those kids are anything to go by, we obviously have a good future." Harry smiled.

"Trust you to be so optimistic in the middle of a war." Ginny smiled.

"Believe me, I'm the last person to be optimistic. I have the most evil wizard of all time hunting me down."

Ginny smiled a small smile and turned back to the window. She let out a sigh and rubbed her arm.

"How do you do it, Harry?" Ginny asked, tilting her head to the side as she gazed out the window.

"Do what?"

"Everyone who knows you, knows that you have a habit of finding trouble. My first year of Hogwarts, you saved me from that chamber and you didn't hesitate. You seem to run head first into trouble, and you never seem scared. How do you get over that fear?" Ginny turned to face him once more.

"Obviously I'm good at hiding it if you have to ask that question. Truth is, when I faced Voldemort in the chamber, I was terrified. I thought you were going to die, and there was a monster terrorizing the school. I was 12 years old, how was I supposed to defeat a fully grown, powerful dark wizard?"

"And yet you did." Ginny interrupted.

"My point is, everything I've done, I've had help. Ron and Hermione have always been at my side. And your family have been more supportive of me than the Dursley's ever were." Harry smiled. "Anyway, if anyone here seems fearless, its you. You don't seem to be scared of anything."

"I have six older brothers. I had to learn to defend myself or I'd never make it." She chuckled.

They stood in silence for a few more minutes until Ginny spoke up again.

"I wonder if we're good parents in the future?"

Harry was caught completely off guard by this and thought of his future kids sat downstairs.

"They seem quite content and happy so we must have done something right." Harry shrugged.

"Did you ever think about it before they came? Having a family, I mean." Ginny asked, looking at him.

"I don't really know. I guess I've always wanted a family of some sorts, you know? People who actually want me around and don't think I'm just someone to boss around and beat when they felt like it." Harry shrugged.

"They used to beat you?" Ginny asked. "I knew they treated you like a slave but I never realised they went that far."

"Don't worry about it." Harry shook it off and turned to her. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Did you ever think of settling down and having kids?"

"One day sure, I mean I won't go into detail of my dreams from my younger, more embarrassing years." Ginny blushed. "But yeah, I guess."

"I still can't believe we get married." Harry sighed. He moved closer to the window to hide his face when he realised he'd said it out loud.

"Were you disappointed when they told you we were married?" Ginny asked softly. She tried to hide the hurt in her voice, but he heard it.

"NO! No of course not." Harry said quickly, turning to face her. "It just came as a bit of a surprise is all." 

"I know you still see me as your best friend's little sister, Harry. I know you don't feel that way about me." Ginny smiled sadly. "You don't have to pretend you do just for their sake. Or mine." She whispered the last part so softly he nearly missed it. But he didn't. He heard it. 

He looked at her. Really looked at her. He suddenly realised he didn't see the small girl who ran out the room when she saw him. Or the young girl who dipped her elbow in food when she realised he was near her. She was really quite pretty. She was growing into her curves, and she was definitely not a small child anymore. She was a determined young woman who knew what she wanted.

"I'm not." He whispered back. He took a step towards her, his eyes never leaving hers.

However she surprised him as she took a step back.

"Harry. You don't need to do this. I know you don't want to. Please don't do this because you think you have to. I know you like Cho. I can handle that. What I can't handle is you doing this and then forgetting about me as soon as we get back to Hogwarts." Ginny shook her head. 

Tears started to form in her eyes again. She shook her head and began to leave the room until she felt a hand wrap around her wrist. She turned back to see Harry looking at her. She turned to face him fully, taking a step towards him.

"I'm not pretending. I don't know what I feel. I don't know what this is, but I've denied myself happiness for so long. If this is what's going to make me, us, happy then I want to find out." Harry told her.

"So, what now then?" Ginny whispered. She took another step forward so she was right in front of him. She also began to wonder if Sirius had sent Harry up to the attic for an entirely different reason than just bringing up some old books.

"I don't know." He whispered back. 

They were now so close to each other they could feel each others breath on their face. Harry's heart was racing. He'd faced Voldemort, why was he so nervous? He looked down. She really was beautiful. They were millimetres apart when the door crashed open, causing them to spring apart. Ron strode into the room looking around.

"There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you two." Ron smiled.

"Sirius asked me to bring something up here and I found Ginny." Harry said quickly.

"Oh, well you coming down or..? Actually, what are you doing up here?" Ron asked, eyes flicking between his best friend and sister.

"Just talking, Ron. We're allowed to be friends, too." Ginny declared.

"Never said you couldn't be!" Ron defended.

Ginny shook her head and walked out the room, almost knocking Ron over with the force of their shoulders colliding. Ron had never been so confused in his life and turned to Harry, waiting for some form of explanation. 

"What the hell was that?" Ron exclaimed. 

"No idea." Harry shrugged. "Probably just upset about the news of Fred." 

"Probably." Ron agreed. "Let's go find the others." 

He turned and left the room. Harry stood frozen for a moment. What had just happened? Did he really just almost kiss Ron's little sister? Better yet, did he want to? Did he enjoy the fact he was about to kiss her. What was happening to him? 

What was that strange feeling in the pit of his stomach? 

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