HC One-Shot Contest: Winner's One Shot ♚

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  Jon tried to stop his expression from falling when Reina spoke her words, but it did and Reina quickly noticed. Her brows lowered over her pale eyes that gazed suspiciously at him. The air around them practically dropped another degree as a very heavy cloud of tension settled over their heads. Reina slipped her arms down his chest and around his waist, smaller frame pressing against his larger one because she was cold. Her eyes gazed at him in concern, suddenly very worried and afraid to hear his next words.


   "I'm leaving tonight for the war."

  Reina's eyes fluttered shut as she pushed the painful memory away. Everything downhill as soon as he spoke those words, and it pained Reina every time she heard thought about that conversation and how badly it had ended. While Reina was reminiscing, Harry had slipped into the room without her noticing. He focused his gaze on her hands, trying to figure out what she was doing. He saw the jade ring in her hand, and spoke up in curiosity.

   "Who gave you that one?" He asked with a light smile, making Reina flinch in surprise, quickly closing her hand into a fist.

   "What makes you think someone gave it to me?" she played it off, tone casual. She flicked her gaze over her shoulder. "I could've bought it for myself for all you know."

   "Right but I'm assuming someone gave it to you because you've taken it out of that tiny silver chest full of sentimental jewelry that was given to you by loved ones. I mean it's sitting there right in front of you," Harry couldn't help but smirk, watching her expression fall and quickly turn away because he was right. He knew about Reina's precious, tiny silver box.

   "If you don't want to tell me it is alright-"

   "It was from Jon."

  Reina didn't know if she should regret telling him or not, but she was no longer going to be wary of talking about Jon around Harry. Harry looked up with a frown on his face from his boots, which he were taking off. He quickly pulled the other one off and walked over to her. She stood up at the same time, quickly tossing in the ring and closing the chest shut. Her head hung low as she tried to force the pain away, cursing inwardly to herself for opening the chest in the first place. It was inevitable she'd end up crying after rummaging through it.

   "Reina, love," Harry said quietly, reaching for her hands. "Look at me."

   "I-I'm sorry I wish-I wish-"

   "It's okay, Reina," he engulfed her in a warm, comforting hug. "I understand it's hard to cope so if you ever need to talk about...him. I am here for you."

   "Really?" Reina pulled back to gaze at him with slightly wide eyes, finding it surprise that he would be okay with her confiding in him when it specifically related to Jon. "You wouldn't feel uncomfortable?"

   "Well, not as much as before. I've learnt to accept what happened between you and him, and realized it would be hypocritical of me not to do so," he spoke lowly. "Plus you're clearly still mourning to a certain extent, if talking about him brings you some comfort to you then of course I'll be by your side for you to confide in."

  A smile of love and appreciation graced Reina's lips at the sound of his words. She cupped his cheeks gently and reached up to leave a short, sweet kiss on his lips. She told him quietly that she was tired and would rather sleep than talk about Jon at the moment. Harry nodded in response, knowing not to push her if she didn't want to talk about him.

  They both got ready for bed in silence, Reina busy with her thoughts and Harry busy with his. He was silently wondering to himself about Jon because he was far too curious now. Reina on the other hand stood in front of the floor-length mirror, almost naked except for a thin robe that covered her. Her hands ran over her tummy that had grown bigger now.

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