After stretching out her arms and back, she reached over and grabbed her clothes from the night before. She wanted to take a bath before wearing fresh clothes. Once she was dressed, she left the room to find one of the maids. But as soon as she opened the door, there was already one standing there.

"Good morning, my Lady," she greeted. "I hope you slept well."
"I did. Thank you." Lyra felt super awkward as the maid continued to bow. " don't have to bow to me... Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know your name."
The maid stood but kept her head lowered out of respect. "My name is Sabu, my Lady."
Lyra smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Sabu. Please, call me Lyra."
The maid quickly shook her head. "Oh no!" she gasped. "I could never! You are my Lady and it would be disrespectful to call you by name. I am your loyal servant and nothing more."

Lyra sweat dropped before letting out a sigh. It would be hard to have servants and maids. She wasn't used to it. Sabu looked so young, but being a demon she was probably much older than she seemed.

"I'll tell you what," Lyra said. "How about you and I become friends?"
Sabu let out a gasp but still kept her gaze lowered. " Lady..."
"I have no one else here. I'll go crazy if I don't have any friends," Lyra laughed softly. "And please look at me when we talk. You're really pretty and you shouldn't hide your face."

Sabu didn't know how to respond. She was surprised at how friendly Lyra was. It wasn't like she had been treated poorly. In fact, Sesshomaru had treated everyone kindly. It's just she wasn't used to anyone having a proper conversation with her.

"Please?" Lyra asked, holding her hand out.

The maid looked up to see her hand out. She was nervous but she slowly reached out and took her hand. Lyra smiled brightly that she accepted.

"Thank you," Sabu said. "Is there anything you request?"
Lyra let go of her hand. "Um, well... I was hoping to take a bath."
"Oh! Of course, my Lady. Please follow me."

Sabu led the way to the bathing room. Lyra had already been there the last time she and Sesshomaru had stayed at the castle. That time she hadn't met the maids since Sesshomaru had done everything for her. But she was glad she was able to meet at least one of them. She hoped to meet the other one as well.

Once they arrived at the bathing room, Sabu opened the door for her. The bath was already set and there was a wonderful faint aroma coming from the flowers and salts that were infused with the water.

"Please take your time," Sabu said. "I will return shortly with Josei."
Lyra smiled. "Very well."

After Sabu left, Lyra undressed and lowered herself into the bath. She let out a relaxed sigh. The water was just perfect. 'Maybe it won't be so bad after all.' Closing her eyes, she leaned against the back rest. Even though she was able to have moments like that to herself, she would have rather shared them with Sesshomaru.

She placed her hand over her stomach and breathed out. There was no sign of any bump, not even a small raise. So she was not even two weeks pregnant. It was crazy how quickly Sesshomaru and Kaede knew that she was pregnant. 'The baby is barely even a peanut. That's probably why I haven't had any pregnancy symptoms yet.' She wasn't looking forward to the morning sickness or loss of appetite. What she was looking forward to was the time when she would feel the baby kick and being able to see her belly growing. But she wondered if demon pregnancies were different.

About ten minutes later, Sabu returned with another maid at her side. Lyra opened her eyes and smiled to the both of them.

"Hello. You must be Josei, correct?" she asked.
The one known as Josei quickly bowed. "Yes, my Lady. It is an honour to meet you."
Lyra shook her head. "I've already told Sabu this. Please stop with the formalities. I want you both to be my friends."
Josei looked at Sabu who gave her a nod. "See, Josei? I told you. Lady Lyra is very kind."
"B-but...but..." Josei stammered.
"Josei? You wish for me to be comfortable, yes?"
"Why, of course, my Lady!"
"Then what if I told you that all this bowing and only speaking when spoken to makes me feel uncomfortable?" Lyra asked rhetorically. "I don't know anyone here so I would like you to be my friend too."

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