I hate the way you look at me, I hate the way I feel about you. But I wouldn't trade you for anyone.

At school before first hour, Pj asked Phil the same question from the night before. Phil thought about it for a while before answering.

"I don't know." He whispered

Dan walked lazily into school with his hair in a curly mess, but still dressed up in his grey shirt and black ripped jeans with his grey hoodie on, slightly darker than his shirt. He walked towards Pj and Phil, greeting the two of them. Pj automatically noticed something off about Dan, so did Phil, but he didn't want to question it.

"Woah, mate. Are you on xander?" Pj asked. Dan nodded and leaned against the wall. Phil didn't understand what they were talking about, which was good, Dan didn't want him to know. It was at this moment, he was greatful Pj came up with the drug nicknames.

"How many did you take?" Pj asked quietly. Dan raised three fingers and yawned.

"How do you feel?" Pj asked.

"Fine. Drowsy, but fine." Dan said. Phil was still completely clueless about what was happening.

"Hi." Dan said to Phil, whom just shyly smiled back.

"Why are you being shy now? Talk." Dan whispered.

"About what?" Phil asked as his pulse quickened.

"Anything." Dan said softly. Phil simply shrugged his shoulders as he felt Dan's eyes on him.

"I feel like such a third wheel here, lads." Pj said.

"Shut up." Dan said, then yawned again. Dan took Phil's book out of his hands and started reading it. The two boys looked amazed at Dan.

"What are you two looking at?" Dan asked, looking up from the book.

"You're reading." Phil said.

"An actual real life book. Holy shit, who are you and what have you done to my mate?" Pj said.

"I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing. Pj, I need help." Dan said as his eyes looked droopy and tired. Pj pulled Dan's hoodie over his head and Dan glared at him.

"Just helping you out with the hideous rats' nest on your head, mate." Pj said, "Are you tired?"

"Very." Dan said.

"Too bad, you can't fall asleep." Pj said, pulling Dan with one hand and Phil with the other.

"What kind was it?" Phil asks.

"Rugby shaped." Dan says.

"Mate, you're fucked. You shouldn't have came to school today." Pj says.

"Pupils?" Dan asks.

"Dan, your iris is nearly non existent." Pj said.

"Shit." Dan whispers under his breath.

"You can't go to class, Dan. You have to skip." Pj says, "you're not even going to remember what happened tomorrow, come on."

Pj pulled Dan and Phil behind him as they went to the broken down restroom. All three of them went inside, Dan and Pj sat on the floor while Phil stayed standing.

"You can sit down if you want." Pj said.

"No, this floor probably hasn't been cleaned in years." Phil whispers.

"Have you skipped before?" Dan asked. Phil shook his head and stuck his food hands into the pockets of his hoodie.

"You can go to class when the bell rings if you want. You don't have to stay here. Actually, you probably don't want to stay here when Dan's like this." Pj said.

Drugs   ;    PhanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon