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Found a way to cope, needle in his throat. Falling down but the world is spinning round and round.

Over the three months, Dan and Phil have gotten to know each other better and talk more often. Dan still didn't want to introduce Phil to his mates, the two were getting along well. As soon as Dan returned to school, everyone laid off Phil.

"So, what's changed the last few months I haven't been here?" Dan asked and he walked alongside Phil.

"Five fights, d- drug checks, t- twelve quizzes. Four babies being made." Phil said quietly, to where only Dan would hear.

"Really? Only five fights?" Dan asked. Phil nodded and Dan put his arm around Phil's shoulder.

"Between who?" Dan asked.

"Tyler an- and Jimmy. Ross and Da- Davis. Some seniors. Some fr- freshmen." Phil said.

"My friend Tyler?" Dan asked. Phil nods again and Dan scoffs.

"That dip shit. He didn't tell me. And I can't believe I missed the freshman fightsz those are the best!" Dan said. Phil giggled, Dan gave a high five Pj as he walked by.

"Homo." Pj whispered in Dan's ear, then walked off.

"Shut the fuck up, mate!" Dan yelled to Pj. He laughed in the distance and Dan and Phil walked down the hall.

"Library?" Dan asked. Phil nodded as they made a left turn and headed to the library. They sat down at the table they sat at three months ago. This time, Dan sat across from Phil's seat while he went browsing for books. Phil came back with three books and started reading one. Dan looked over Phil's features, then studied what he was wearing, blue waisted jeans that complimented his hips and a mustard yellow shirt the went just below the button of his pants.

"Why are you staring?" Phil asks, looking up from his book.

"I like your face." Dan shrugged, making Phil blush. Dan has a habit of blurting out words as soon as they come to mind without thinking about what he's saying first, so once he realized what he said he mentally cursed at himself as his face turned red.

"Shit, uh. I mean, I don't like your face but I like you- not you, I mean your eyes and your smile, you know." Dan rambled then sighed, "I should probably shut up now, right? Yeah, I should."

Phil laughed the adorable laugh that Dan loved. Dan smiled and Phil went back to reading. Dan took one of his books resting on the table and started reading it.

The stars around us travel thousands of light-years to reach earth. There's a possibility most of them died out a hundred years ago, but their light still carries on. It's life is over, but the mark it left still exists.

"That's deep." Dan said, then closed the book.

"Keep reading." Phil said without taking his eyes off the page.

"No, books aren't my thing. They give me anxiety, like actually anxiety. If I get too into it and something bad happens, I get broken down and sad." Dan said.

"If you insist." Phil said. Dan put his head down and closed his eyes, falling into a light sleep. He heard Phil turn a page every once in a while and shift in his seat. Phil averted his gaze to the sleeping lad in front of him every other five minutes. His brown hair was extra curly and he wore a black leather jacket with a grey shirt underneath, along with a pair of torn black jeans.

"Dan?" Phil asks, shaking the lad awake. Dan groaned and unsuccessfully swatted Phil's hand away.

"Dan. Wake up." Phil said. Dan lazily picked his head up and looked at the other lad with questioning eyes.

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