Chapter 6 - Good Luck With That

Start from the beginning

All four heads turned to me. I shrugged, thinking about the choices I had and came up with nothing. All of the single girls who I was friends with were out of town. I had no options, unless I wanted to be a home wrecker, of course.

I shrugged. I really had no idea, but was sure I didn’t want to go alone. Going alone would make me look weird, considering even Niall had a date. I didn’t want to look like a loner.

“I’m not going alone, that’s for sure,” I stated, now looking through my phone.

“Mission of the next hour, lads,” Louis said, taking out his phone, too, “Find Harold over here a date.”

The rest of them began looking through their phones, occasionally calling people, but shaking their heads as they pressed the ‘end call’ button, obviously getting dumped in my place.

Louis, after about forty-five minutes, put his phone back on the coffee table, “If Eleanor wasn’t coming, I would’ve gladly been your date, Hazz.”

I smiled at his attempt to make me laugh and replied sarcastically, “Thanks, Lou. Makes me feel tons better.”

Louis bowed jokingly, “You are very welcome.”

“Well,” Niall said, who had a huge smile on his face after talking to Demi, “I didn’t find anyone for Harry, but I have my date.”

 “I’m so happy for you,” I stated glumly and looked back down at my phone.

He punched me in the arm lightly, “Be a little cheerful for me, won’t you?”

I put on my best fake smile and said loudly, “I’m so happy for you!”

Niall shook his head but still grinned. I watched as Zayn and Liam both looked through their phones, occasionally looking at each other’s to ask if they’d found anyone and shaking their heads. While Zayn was still searching his contacts list feverishly, Liam face palmed.

“I’m so stupid,” he muttered, “Why didn’t I think of this before?”

He pressed the call button and held the phone to his ear.

“Hi, Mr. Pierce,” he said, sounding cheerful.

Autumn’s dad? What did he need him for?

There was a moment of silence as Mr. Pierce probably greeted Liam.

“You see, we’re going to go to a birthday party and were wondering if Autumn would be Harry’s date tonight?”

“NO!” I screamed, lunging at him, before being pulled back by Zayn.

“Good idea, mate,” Niall pitched in, giving Liam a thumbs up.

Why are you congratulating him?” I hissed at the Irish boy, “That’ll only make him stronger.”

“Great,” Liam said, now smiling full on, ignoring us, “Thanks, Mr. Pierce. See you soon.”

He put his phone down and grinned at me, his smile evaporating once he noticed the murderous look I was giving him.

“What?” he said, “You wanted a date, didn’t you?”

Just. Not. Her.” I growled at him.

“It’ll be fun, Hazz,” Zayn chimed in, “She’s pretty hot, too. I don’t know why you don’t like her.”

I turned to glare at him. Sure, she was okay in looks. She had gotten much more beautiful and slender than when I last saw her. Maybe for them she was gorgeous or whatever, but I knew her and every weird thing she’d ever done. To me, she was just Autumn, that girl who had the same feelings towards me that I have towards her, that feeling being annoyance.

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