Leia looked at him sadly. He turned to look at Jacen who seemed taken back by his display of emotion.

"She saved my life, Master Skywalker."

Luke looked at him in confusion.

The boy went on. "Masyer Starlight went into a bar for a drink. She told me to go get the ship ready, so I obeyed. I was walking across the street and didn't notice that two speeders were coming at me. Master Starlight came running out of the bar and yelled to me, warning me, but I didn't have time to do anything. They were right up on me. She must have jumped and pushed me out of the way, because the next thing I knew, I was pushed onto the ground. Then I heard the crash. The speeder was supposed to hit me, but she was hit instead." Jacen explained sadly.

Luke stared at him and looked back down at Raina. She had risked her life, maybe even given her life to save this boy. In that moment Luke's love and admiration for her doubled. How he wished she could be awake so he could tell her.

Luke looked to his side and saw Han, Leia and Jacen all watching him. He noticed Jacen in particular. He was watching Luke closely. Observing him. Luke had to keep himself together, at least while the boy was in the room. Especially since Jacen himself was going through possibly losing his master.

Luke swallowed and looked at Jacen. "Thank you, for staying with her and looking after her until we could get here." Luke thanked Jacen for all of them.

Jacen nodded.

"She's my Master and my friend. We look out for one-another." Jacen told him.

Luke have a nod of approval. He then looked at Han and Leia.

"Thank you for being here with her. I would have come sooner, but I didn't get the message until six hours after it was sent. I was on my way back to Coruscant at the time." Luke said, trying hard to keep himself together.

Leia gave a sad smile. "It's alright."

"I'm sorry that your honeymoon was interrupted." He apologized.

Han shook his head. "Don't worry about it."

"She our friend too remember?" Leia reminded.

Luke nodded and looked down at an unconscious Raina.

"Umm, Han, Jacen?  Could you give me a moment alone with my brother?" Leia asked gently.

"Sure." Han answered and walked with Jacen and Artoo out of the room.

Once they were gone, all Luke could do was stare down at Raina. His hand brushed up against hers. A tear fell down his cheek onto her hand. The room was deadly silent. The only sound was breathing and the steady tone of the heart monitor.

"Luke?" Leia said gently.

"Leia." He breathed, still looking upon the face of the woman he loved.

He felt Leia hug his side and rub his arm up and down. He leaned his head on top of hers. As he looked down on Raina, he began to cry. Leia turned him towards her and embraced him tightly. Luke almost went limp in his sister's arms as she rubbed his back comfortingly.

"I'm so sorry, Luke. I know. I know." She whispered.

The two stood there just holding each other. Finally Luke began to get himself under control and pulled away. He shook his head. "I should have been there. I should have gone with her, but I didn't listen. I didn't-"

Leia interrupted him. "Luke, this is not your fault. You didn't know this was going to happen. None of us did."

Luke sighed and looked down at Raina. "She did. Before she left she told me she felt like us going on separate missions was bad. Like something terrible would happen to one of us if we did. I didn't listen. I did what I always do. I pushed her away. I wanted her to go without me. I thought it would help us to move on."

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now