14 Ramyeon and Beer

Start from the beginning

Daniel stop halfway while slurping his ramyeon, "I am actually not so sure. But if I want to, I was hoping that Taemin hyung and the rest of your squad will know first. You guys are afterall like family to Jaeoh. It's only right that family knows first. She wants to let them know when she sees them."

Sungwoon nodded approvingly. He was surprised that Daniel even thought about that and putting Jaeoh's request first.

Just then Daniel's phone rang. Daniel almost dropped his phone as he fumbled.

"I thought you were already alseep! Yes, I am back in the dorm with Sungwoon hyung."

Sungwoon rolled his eyes knowing that Jaeoh must have called. He decided to just ignore Daniel and continue drinking.

"I am not so sure.. Hmmm, I gotta ask hyung first."

"Hyung, Jaeoh is asking if you will be going to The Unit's final stage to watch Timoteo hyung on Wednesday?"

Sungwoon nodded in response.

Daniel informed Jaeoh and also said that he may attend too if it isn't too weird so that he could take the opportunity to let Timoteo know that they are together. Daniel said it will be better letting them know face to face to show them his sincerity rather than let Jaeoh tell Timoteo herself.

Sungwoon almost choked on his beer upon hearing that, "are you seriously thinking of telling Timoteo face to face? You know that Kai and Ravi will be there too right?"

Daniel gluped and gestured for Sungwoon to hold on.

"Okay, sure. Let's talk again tomorrow. Goodnight Jaeoh," Daniel said as his face started turning red and looked at Sungwoon from the corner of his eyes, "I miss you."

As Daniel put down his phone, he faced down as well. He felt embarassed to be saying such mushy things to Jaeoh in front of Sungwoon.

"Yah Daniel, that is seriously... Ugh, my image of you has just hit rock bottom."

"H-hyung, I just wanna let her know that."

Sungwoon shuddered but return to his previous conversation, "Anyway, back to that. Are you seriously gonna tell Timoteo, Kai and Ravi on that day? You might affect their mood if you tell them that day."

Daniel pondered about what Sungwoon had said and agreed. Since they adore Jaeoh like a sister, it might affect their moods.

"When do you think will be good to tell them hyung?"

"Maybe after the show ended. We will probably head out for a drink to celebrate if Timo gets into the final 9."

Daniel agreed, "I hope Timoteo hyung gets into the final 9. Seems like it has been a long time, but I remembered how we all suffered through Produce 101. I am just glad we are all together now and thankful that we are having success."

"Tell me about it. All the nerve wrecking moments we had were crazy."

They continued drinking and decided to call it a night after finishing their drinks.


The next morning, Jaeoh was surprised to find Daniel sitting on the floor beside her bed and staring at her with fingers holding onto the edge for support, revealing only his smiley face.

"Goodmorning kitty," Daniel grinned as Jaeoh opened her eyes.

Jaeoh screamed and shot up from the surprise, "You scared me!"

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Sungwoon shouted as he ran into Jaeoh's room.

"Oppa you are here too?"

"Jaeoh was just surprised that I am here without her knowing," Daniel said to Sungwoon while laughing in between. He find Jaeoh's shock and Sungwoon's protectiveness hilarious.

Sungwoon rolled his eyes hearing that, "Go get wash up. Oppa had prepared breakfast and it will be ready soon."

Jaeoh turned to face a still laughing Daniel as soon as Sungwoon left, "How could you shock me like that."

Jaeoh puffed out her cheeks as she pretended to be angry.

Daniel smiled seeing how cute Jaeoh is with her cheeks all puffy like a persian kitten, sat on the bed and sling his arm around Jaeoh's neck, pulling her closer to him till her head was lying on Daniel's chest.

"Is my kitty angry? I just miss you so much and the way you sleep is just too cute. I couldn't resist staring."

Jaeoh unintentionally let out a smile but quickly covered her mouth as she tries to pull away from Daniel.

"I have yet to brush my teeth, don't get so close to me, my mouth may not smell plesant."

Daniel pulled Jaeoh back lying on his chest again, this time wrapping his arms around her tightly, "We woke up together yesterday without washing up too."

Jaeoh laughed a little and started to enjoy lying on Daniel's firm chest till Sungwoon shouted from outside that breakfast is ready.

Jaeoh went to washup and sat at the dining table with the both of them.

They discussed and started preparing sign boards for Timoteo's final stage tomorrow after they were done with their breakfast.

"Oppa, do you think the rest of the oppas will be okay about Daniel and I?"

"Can't be sure since after Jackson-," Sungwoon said and stopped himself while looking at Daniel warily.

"It's okay hyung, I already know about Jackson sunbaenim and Jaeoh's history," Daniel said, his expression unchanged.

Sungwoon felt relieved and continued, "so since Daniel is also an idol, they might resist the idea first but you know that eventually, nobody could stop you Jaeoh. We will prefer that you will be happy."

Jaeoh didn't smile after hearing that. She was afraid of the things her oppas might say or do to Daniel. She knows that they love her but sometimes they can get overprotective.

Seeing that Jaeoh is gloomy, Daniel asked why but Sungwoon replied instead, "She must be worried about things that may happen to you or your relationship. But Jaeoh, you know that I will help you right? Don't worry cause Daniel is my member too. I will help both of you."

Jaeoh nodded to confirm as Daniel's mouth formed an 'o' shape.

"How did you know what Jaeoh is thinking hyung?"

"I don't call her my little sister for nothing. You have got so much more to learn about her."

Jaeoh finally smiled, "Thank you oppa. I am just worried about how the other oppas might think."

"You should probably worry more about when Taeminie knows. He is afterall your real blood brother."

Daniel squeezed Jaeoh's hand a little to comfort her, "I will be by your side when we let them know about us alright? So don't worry too much, if they get angry, I will take their anger."

Sungwoon felt warmth seeing that but as soon as Jaeoh went to hug Daniel, he seperated them, "WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING IN FRONT OF ME!? WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT HOW YOU TWO SHOULDN'T BE PROGRESSING SO FAST!"

Both Daniel and Jaeoh laughed while Sungwoon continued ranting about how and why they shouldn't progress so fast even though he had accepted their relationship.

Up until Daniel suddenly took on a serious expression and ask Jaeoh, "I need to ask you something seriously Jaeoh."

Both Sungwoon and Jaeoh looked at Daniel and gestured for him to continue.

"You see, Sungwoon hyung wouldn't tell me even though he knows. But what is the pin number to your house's door?"


"Come on hyung, you know the pin too but you wouldn't share it with me. I am Jaeoh's boyfriend you know."


They continued bickering as Jaeoh chuckled. She is happy to see Sungwoon accepted their relationship. She just pray that after tomorrow, Timoteo will be in the final 9 to debut and at least another 3 of her oppas will accept her relationship with Daniel too.


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