Chapter sixteen

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Pic of Bruin

Rubins pov

My mind is blown. How could I have had a sibling, a big sister and never knew it. And now it's too late, she lived in one of the richest neighborhoods, in one of the most prestigious families and yet she had a fucked terrible life. Anita wasn't there, that can only explain it. I know what it was like to grow up in that house, not home just house. No love, constant insults and nothing but pressure to be the best. I hated everything and everyone in that house but Anita made it all a bit easier.

My nanny for my entire life she tried to shield me for any harsh treatment. She couldn't but she tried and that helped me keep going. Now I won't say I got treated the way my sister apparently did but I wasn't loved. No I was a commodity. The lil ballet dancer only taken out at parties and tournaments to flaunt about to the snobs, only to be ignored the rest of the time. Sure I had the best dance gear, dance hall and dance teachers but no birthday parties, no love, no fun and certainly no friends.

Defying my parents was not something I did with the exception of becoming friends with Pip. She danced into my world and refused to pushed back out. She was never invited into the house so I defied them once again and went to her. I was a mere ten years old and put up my very first fight  and I won. The one and only time. Until that faithful day six weeks ago. Now I'm free and never going back.

I understand how hard it must've been for Janet because if I hated my life there so she must've detested it. I grew up in that world I was used to the behavior but she went from having a loving mother to living in hell. How can my father live with the knowledge of his ex wife's death let alone the death of his only- scratch that I don't know if she was his only daughter. I didn't know she existed so who knows how many more are out there.

Bru and I spend the afternoon sitting and talking. I can see it's hard for him but he tells me of the broken soul that was my sister. I can feel the hurt and regret coming off him as he talks about how he was saving what little money he made from odd jobs in order to help her out. He feels it was too little too late. After she died he and Mar vowed to do better, to be something and to stick together for life. Not surprising that they live together so. We are both emotionally drained but I feel satisfied that I have enough information about her now. I don't know how long it will take me to recover from this shock but however long it takes I do know that I'll never forgive the people who raised me for ruining Janet.

"Mar and I have to go to the club tonight. Will you and Enzo be ok here?" Bru asks after we finish a simple dinner of frozen pizza and garlic bread. "Nope! We are coming with you" a cheery and tousled looking Enzo says as he comes into the kitchen with a satisfied and smug looking boyfriend trailing behind him. "I'm kind of tired lil man, I think I'll skip" I tell him. To be honest it's more mental exhaustion than physical but I don't think I need to explain that to anyone in the room.

"Tell me, how's your leg? Are you feeling any after effects of the anti venom? Do you feel weak? Hum? No, I know your not. Now you all call me small, lil and baby in some cases." He gives a cheeky grin toward Mar as he says the last part before continuing. "But tonight I'm large and in charge. So get your dancing shoes because tonight button you and I are living it up". Guess I get no say in it after that.

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