Chapter eleven

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Bruins POV

My phones shrill ring wakes me at four in the morning and I immediately grab it hoping it's the call I've been waiting on. Praying, even though I was never a praying man, that it's good news not bad. "Hello" I say as if I'm on my last breath. Please don't let any harm have come to him, she will never forgive me if I let harm come to him.

"Hi my name is Lucy Michaels I work at the Abrazo general hospital in Phoenix. I was faxed a picture of a young man that says to call this number if he was admitted. Well unfortunately he was admitted about an hour ago". My heart nearly stops in my chest, fuck he's hurt. I begin dressing as she continues.

"He's in a stable condition right now so please don't worry. He was bitten by a poisonous spider but he got to us before it turned deadly and he was given an anti venom. He's been given a sedative so he will be asleep for the next six to ten hours" she informs me but I'm still panicking.

"I'll be there in two hours. My name is Bruin Sheehan and I'm his boyfriend can you make sure I have full access to him please" I ask and she confirmed. I'm glad I sent that picture to every hospital, hotel and hostel with three states of San Diego. I knew he'd have to turn up somewhere but I was really hoping it wouldn't be this place. What's done is done, I need to go get him and keep him safe. I really fucked up when I said that shit about him. Truth be told I was clouded in hate and anger over something that he had no direct part in but was he still part of it unknowingly.

I bang on Markus' door waking him and Enzo up abruptly, mostly because I just barge in and turn on the light. Seen em both naked lots of times so eh! who cares. "What the heck?" Enzo exclaims but it doesn't take long for realization to kick in and he screams "you found him!" Markus grabs him around the waist and pulls him back down.

"Love your naked and look at Bru's face it's not all sunshine and roses. Get dressed whilst he finishes packing". He's right I'm not happy and I won't be until I see him in the flesh. He's also right about the packing, I'm literally throwing anything I can get my hands on into a sports bag having done the same for my shit when Lucy was talking.

"The jet will be ready when we get there I already called Gage he's headed their now so hurry. He's in a hospital in Phoenix. He's ok stop panicking lil man, he got bitten by a spider but he got to the hospital on time. He's asleep and will stay that way for a few hours but I need to get there now". I tell them. Understanding, they get ready within minutes.

I use the Audi and sped to the airport where our private plane is, by ours I mean mine and Markus' we are brothers for life so we buy and share everything, well almost everything. Soon enough we are in the air and my thoughts stray. I'm glad Markus and Enzo found love in one another. Mar confessed that he had slowly falling in love with the boy over the time period I was fucking him. I never caught feelings for him myself so I was more than happy for them. He looks at the boy like he's been sent from the heavens themselves. And let me tell you, if I ever saw hero worship in someone's gaze I see it in Enzo's gaze every dame day.

I'm not jealous I just want that for me. And the worst thought that passes through my head is that, the one boy I can see it happening with is the one I verbally abused and made homeless. How can I even begin to think he'll forgive me. I can only hope that my misplaced anger didn't ruin our future but if it did I won't stop trying to win a place in his life. I really want it to be in his heart but I'll take what I can get.

After I explain the story he most likely never heard, I'll just hold onto anything he gives me. Unfortunately if he knows the story already it might just shred my heart so badly I'll never be able to forgive him for his part in it. On the other hand if he doesn't remember and has never heard this story then it might shred his already bruised heart and I'll hurt him with the truth. Either way I'm looking at a shit storm of others creations and there's fuck all I can do about it.

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