Chapter one

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Chapter one

Short chapter but it's just an introduction to our characters.. enjoy.

Bruin's POV

Dancing. I love dancing. It's my passion in life. If all else fails I get on that stage and dance. There can be two hundred people or no people at all in front of me once the music hits my ears but the outcome will always be the same. I dance. I dance like my soul is leaving my body and only dance can save it. The crowd love me, I'm not vain or big headed it's just the truth. I get into the zone and the rest of the world disappears.

So here I am again waiting backstage for my turn, I ignore the others around me and just wait for my cue. I hear my name being announced and it's like a tiger being freed from a cage, I stalk out in front of the people and tap my foot. One. Two. Three. Boom, boom. Dance! I don't close my eyes there's no need, the steps are engrained in my body and mind. I love the feeling of my body swaying, twisting, turning, stepping and at times, wobbling, to the sound of my chosen song. It's a three minute piece but it feels like it lasts a lifetime.

Once it's done I stop in my practiced position and the crowd goes wild. The thrill I feel from the applause does not even compare to the thrill from the dance. As I've said the crowd loves me and begin chanting for more but they have to wait, I'm hot property around here so they only get two or three dances out of me a night. The others need a turn of the limelight after all.

As I leave the stage Markus, my best friend takes the bandana away from my face and pecks me on the lips. Nothing new there. "Good job Boots" I shove him playfully "shut up thunder" we mock each other's stage names. Why do we have stage names you ask, well that's because I don't do any ordinary dance. No, I Bruin Sheehan, owner of Flames dance club go on stage there incognito three times a week and dances erotically.

Rubin's POV

Dancing. I love dancing. It's my passion in life. When my parents get annoying. When rehearsals get too hard. When I remember I only have one true friend in this world and that depresses me. I dance. I love to dance alone but if I am doing a performance I've learned to block out the crowd. The judging, gossiping, comparing crowd. I let the music flow through me and I let go. It's the only time I'm free. I don't care who says what about me, I just let myself feel the rhythm and I'm off. Oh apparently this makes me one of the best but they can stuff their titles. I dance for me.

I jump, turn, rotate and at times even fly and I fucking love it. Nothing in this life will understand me like dance. No one will ever feel the passion I do for dance. The only person who comes close is my best friend and at that she only has half the passion I do. Its what makes me the best but again that's not what's important, dancing is the only thing that matters. Let mother keep the trophies, medals and fame. I'm almost alone with my dance and that's just fine.

So here I am waiting to do my duet with my best friend Pip, Penelope to everyone else, but she's just Pip or Pipsqueak to me. We try to partner up in most of our dances because like me she's the best but in the female lead. We wait until the curtain lifts and as soon as it does, we're off. Beautiful together. That's the two words that haunt us. We are, according to everyone else "beautiful together" like ripples on a lake we ebb and flow as one but to us this doesn't matter just like their opinions. No to us we only have each other in our perfect albeit fucked up world.

We step to perfection, much to the envy of our competitors. Each judging and waiting for us to fuck up but we don't, we love each other and our routines too much to do that. We dance for our lives and souls and block out the praise, the cheers and the falseness of it all once we are finished. Both covered in a light sheen of sweat we leave the stage "we need to work on that fifth spin but otherwise, good job Pipsqueak" I tell her as I kiss her cheek. This sparks the whispers yet again, the 'oh they are perfect together. They are the best couple around' all wrongly spoken though because I like men. Hot, sexy, strong men and nothing my perfect image will ever do to change that. Just like nothing in my life will allow it to become a reality because, I Rubin Chance am a world renowned ballet dancer.

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