Chapter two

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Pic of Bruin.

Bruins POV

I finish my last dance of the night and leave the crowd horny and cheering. Many men and women try to catch my attention but I ignore every one of them. I'm no man whore and that's all they want. I dance because I love it and that's one of the reasons why I do it incognito. The second reason being I don't want anyone to know that I, Boots the dancer, own and run this establishment. The staff, punters and business investors don't have a clue that I remove nearly every article of clothing on my body in a sensual manner nine times a week. They simply believe that Boots is a hot commodity and that he likes to keep his private life to himself. Markus is the only person in the world who knows that I'm a "double agent" in my business because he's the one person I trust with my life. He's my best friend, bodyguard and dancing employee.

The staff love him and like me they try to fuck him on a regular bases but he doesn't bite. We are down to earth guys and only sleep with certain people on occasion, those we do sleep with sign non discloser agreements. It's a safety issue for both parties involved. They are not allowed access to us unless we contact them. They are not allowed to ever enter our club. They must not talk about our private affairs and if they do we will sue them for what they're worth. Lately I've noticed that Markus has been keeping his head down and it makes me wonder is there a special someone on the horizon. I won't pry though it's his business and I know he'll tell me when he's ready. I'm into men but he's bi so it could be anyone.

I use my passage way behind the stairs that only Markus and I know exists. As soon as I enter my office I make my way to my shower room located behind a glass panel on my wall. Very sneaky I know, secret passageways and hidden rooms but I really, really, can't stress it anymore than I have, that I want to keep my dancing for me and me alone. I wash the oil and sweat from my body and change into sweats and a muscle shirt. I don't conduct business on the evenings I dance which are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I'm constantly asked by punters to get "Boots" to dance other evenings but I refuse. Those three nights are my "nights off" in the business world, no meetings, no dinners and no meet and greets, where I introduce clients to the club. No, those nights I get to be me, the real me, Boots.

"Christ Bru, you'll be the death of someone out there one of these nights. Thank God it's Friday and they can calm their burning loins for a few days before they explode. I blame the tattoos, yep. Once you show those bad boys the place heats up, literally" Markus laughs as he enters my bathroom. Idiot. I ignore him and check the security monitors to ensure everything is in order. My dance is always the last of the night so I need to cover up my body from the neck down to ensure nobody notices any of my tattoos and figures out my secret. I slip on a long sleeve t-shirt and wait until Markus is washed and dressed. Once he joins me we head downstairs.

The punters and clients know that once we are seen it's time up. We don't try to make ourselves intimidating but it happens every time like an unspoken rule. We just walk around as the security men start to call last orders and soon enough the place has cleared. I've noticed on the very rare occasion that neither Markus nor myself are here it tends to take longer to clear so I try and make it my business to have at least one of us here at one o clock sharp every night. Mostly though we are both here. There are plenty of clubs around us, they don't need to be here looking at nearly naked men and women past that time of night in my opinion. Plus my staff have homes to go to or clubs or whatever, point being I don't like to overwhelm them by making them listen to horny drunks any time past that. Clean up takes an hour at max and then they're free to go.

Once I've locked up with Markus and two other security guys we head out. I have the books finished by the time the clean up is so that way we all leave basically at the same time. Markus and I head home, we've lived together since we we went to college so once we decided to invest in the club and it finally became a success, we just migrated to a newer, bigger place. Once home, he grabs two beers and the leftover pizza and we sit in front of our large screen tv. We chat about the day or just sit in silence, we don't need idle gibberish to fill our time we know each other inside out and that's enough. He stretches after we watch a movie to unwind and pecks my lips "night Bru" I nod "Night Mar".

Not the most exciting of existence we share, we work during the day and most nights. We dance together other nights. Other times we separate and meet with our "companions" for a few hours. But each night come home eat and relax together, then basically repeat. It's completely comfortable even if it's a bit monotonous but it's all we know. I do sometimes wish there was someone special in my life but then again, I'm happy enough where I am right now.

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