Chapter three

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Pic of Rubin.

Rubin's POV

"You know the plan right?" I ask pip only for her to roll her eyes at me again. She sighs dramatically and grunts at me "yesssss, jeeze Rubin you do this every time. If anyone asks your staying the night here with me, if your mother calls your asleep or practicing. And of anything goes wrong, I know nothing. I don't understand why you feel the need to remind me every time you go meet your ho. How long are you going to continue seeing him Ru, you know he's only using you. He won't ever settle down and let's not forget he's ten years older than you. I'm only looking out for you, you know this right?".

I've heard this speech so much I can recite it for her. Sure Trev is not the ideal boyfriend, if I could even call him that, but he's the closest thing to one I'll be getting as long as my mother has her claws in my life. I'm certain that any normal man of twenty would have moved out by now but you see I can't, she literally runs my life she schedules my days from morning to night. It's her job as my manager but once a month I get a night away and I tell her that she is to leave me alone for the whole night. First I used the night as a chance to be a sloppy teen with Pip, we'd do the usual, movie nights, carnivals etc. Then a year ago I met Trev, tall, handsome, dark skinned and a bad boy. In short he was everything I was not. Most importantly though he was totally into me just as much as I was into him.

Each month we meet and fuck each other's brains out and I love it. I might not love him but I definitely love the sex. The thrill of sneaking out to meet him in his apartment only adds fuel to the fire. I know next to nothing about him even though it's been a year but that doesn't matter to me. To me he's my one bad indulgence in my planned out world of practices, dances and dinners. Some might say it's slutty but again I couldn't give a fuck. He's my indulgence and I make sure I over indulge for that one night.

Pip realises quickly that I'm not listening to her so she shuts her pie hole. I don't want him to settle down or change a thing to be honest so her lectures are pointless. "Pip, I'm fine with things exactly as they are so calm down please. Now leave the wind-" she slaps me round the back of the head "if you finish that sentence I'll do more than hit you. Jeeze your like an old woman bla, bla, bla. Every. Dame. Time. I know what to do now go get yourself some booty." I laugh and kiss her cheek as I climb onto the tree outside her window.

It only takes me twenty minutes to reach his apartment but he doesn't know I'm coming to see him tonight. I'm surprising him because it's been a year since we hooked up. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not all about 'ooh, it's our anniversary' because it's not like that at all. I simply wanted to surprise him with a hot night of sex. Normally I have the third Thursday in the month off but I'm a week early. I had to tell mother that Pip was upset over a guy she likes and needed a night of moral support from her best friend. To which mother replied "just because Penelope likes to act up does not mean she should drag you into the mud with her" fucking witch. Pip never even kissed a guy let alone "act up".

I arrive at the apartment and pray he's home or all of this is a bust. I knock and wait. A few minutes later a little girl who looks to be about five opens the door. I'm taken aback but ask for Trev anyway "daddy there's a boy looking for you" she shouts stunning me completely. "Who's at the door sweetheart?" A woman asks walking from the kitchen toward us, or more like waddling toward us because of the size of her very pregnant belly. "Oh hello, how are you. What can I help you with?" She asks and it's clear that she's a really nice woman. I feel sick.

"He was looking for daddy. DADDY!" The little girl screams and finally Trev the traitor comes into view. Even with his dark skin you can see him pale "oh, em, hi. Did I leave something behind at the gym today?" The slime-ball has the neck to lie outright and act like he knows me from the gym. I want to, I really want to, but I don't. I don't out him because even though she should know what a tramp he is I don't want to hurt this beautiful pregnant lady. "No, our training session was called off for tomorrow and I don't have your number so I thought I'd call in to let you know. Nice to meet you m'am and you too beautiful. Goodbye".

I walk out but oh how I wish I didn't. How I wish with all my life I stayed inside that building because right outside leaning against the door of my car was the one person I would rather die than have them see me here. Because standing right there with a smug look of satisfaction at knowing I'm caught out, is my mother.

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