so it begins

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Rachel's POV

Time skip one week

I woke up and got ready for tour. Since it was 3 am I was the only one awake but I didn't care. I put all my cloths in one bag then shoes went into there boxes and put in a bag with my other stuff that would fit. I grabbed my Nike's bag and put my charger, phone, tooth brush, tooth past, brush and contact stuff in there.

I walked down stairs and got a Rock Star and sat down on the couch. I turned on the TV and put Sponge Bob on. I then noticed I was still in my PJs and went back upstairs. I put on a black hoodie black jeans and a pair of vans.

I went back down stairs with my things in hand to see Ashley sitting there on the couch with his stuff next to him. Watching Sponge Bob. I never saw anything funnier in my life so I quietly took a picture and posted it on Instagram, tagging him in the process.

I went and sat next to him and put my ear buds in listing to Don't Pray For Me by Asking Alexandria.
I got lost in the lyrics and eventually started to sing/scream out loud

There's things I bury inside, to keep away from the light
Don't you dare, pray for me

I been so fucked up for so long
And I can't keep my head up on my own
Holy fuck, why do I bother
Never gonna keep, anything
I wanted to fall down the crack
I don't give a fuck if I die today
Holy shit, I've lost my mind
Reality, is starting to unwind

Don't pray for me

I don't want you to cry, I don't even want you to care
Don't you dare, pray for me, no
There's things I bury inside, to keep away from the light
Don't you dare, pray for me

I don't want you to cry, I don't even want you to care
Don't you dare, pray for me, no
There's things I bury inside, to keep away from the light
Don't you dare, pray for me

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and sure enough Ashley was live on Instagram and was putting the camera on my. He paused it and I saw the comments.

Is this little Danny?

I love her.

Then I saw one slip and I got really angry.

I saw her in concert. She kissed her girlfriend. I call dike. I hope she dies and goes to hell.

I got Ashley's phone and started it again. I put my middle finger up and recited a lyric to a song by Beartooth

Who know you'd be hated for being who you are

Then I stopped it and gave Ashley's phone back.

Soon after Andy came in with is stuff. Then Jinxx then Jake and last but not least C.C.

"Hey Rachel Attila's touring with us also" Andy said then I got happier. If that was even possible.

Arianah 's POV

Finally it was time for tour I couldn't wait I hadn't really slept that much since I stayed up all night thinking about tour.

I got a text from Rachel saying "tell Vic we're ready." So I got up from watching Sponge Bob and ran over to Vic's room to tell him that they were ready.

"HEY VIC!" I screamed at Vic's door. "ARIANAH WTF ARE YOU SCREAMING FOR." Vic said back. "RACHEL AND HER FAM ARE READY TO LEAVE!" I said yelling even louder.

After Vic got the news almost every one was ready but mike. "Ugh MIKE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" I screamed. "GIVE ME ONE GODDAMN SECOND!" He yelled back.

Finally what seemed like an hour he got his ass down here and we were off to meet Rachel and the others.


I woke up with Chris standing in my door way. I jumped back then got up.

"You sacred the shit out of me. What was that for?" I asked kinda pissed

"Emme sweety. Every body's up. But you. Come on I'll help you pack." He said going to my closet.

He brought out 2 suit cases and a small backpack. I got the black one and put all my shorts and a fee pairs of jeans. Then I put my tank tops in on top of them.

Next I cramped all my shoes and stuff in a case and some his closed it. I put my charger, brush, toothpaste, and tooth brush in the bag and got dressed once Chris left. I put on a white hoodie Rachel gave me which was way to big for me then put on a pair of skinny jeans with my knee high converses

I headed down stairs and put all my stuff next to the couch and sat in Vinnie's lap. I guess ok fell asleep because he picked me up and got my stuff. Then at the door Rachel was there and got me from Vinnie.

She chuckled at the jacket and brought me to the lounge area.

Savannahs POV

I walked down stairs and saw no one was up. So I went back up stairs and packed. I put my shoes and jeans in one case and my shirts and other things in a other case.

I got a small bag and put my needs in there and got dressed in a pair of leggings a hoodie/shirt that was maroon with white strips along the arms. I put on my shoes and went down stairs to see Ronnie and Jacky down there.

Jacky pulled me aside and whispered in my ear.

"I know you like me." I blushed and Ronnie looked over at me.

I flipped him off and Jacky chuckled. I walked away and sat on the couch next to Derek.


I was woke up by Danny " hey you need to start pack pal almost time to go!" He said in a cheerful voice. "Ugh okay I'll get up." I said groggily.

"Hey don't be sad you get to see your little girlllfrieend!" He said in a girly voice.

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" I yelled at him. "Sureee." He said moving his eyebrows.

After are little talk I started getting dressed and packing my bag. I got all the stuff that I thought I would need and put in my headphones.

After a while almost everybody was done while I was waiting I thought about what Danny said. Arianah being my girlfriend that would be really coo- no no no blade u can't.

Arianah is way to cool and wouldn't want to date a loser like me, hmm tho it wouldn't hurt to ask her?


Hope you all like this chapter
In case you were wondering
The bus arange ment is

Bvb & AA share a bus

PTV & FIR share a bus

Then MIW & Attila get a bus

Well bye


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