Done Being Shy (Chapter 3)

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Rachels p.o.v

I woke only to feel Andy cuddling me. He was very warm and I was very comfortable. I laid there and took it in his relaxing sent. He smelt like the woods from my old house. Looking out the window; I watched as the trees quickly went by while the early morning fog covered everything. Andy starts shifting and I felt him begin to get out of the bunk. "I was warm get back in here," I said in a groggy voice.

" UGH STUPID FUDGING GAME!" Arianah shouted she must be in the gaming room raging again. I started to roll around in Andy's bunk, making sure to mess it up, before I rolled too far and fell on my back. Luckily Andy sleeps on a bottom bunk so I didn't fall far. " Are you ok," Andy said laughing a little. " Yep. Karma's a bitch," I said popping the p.

I sat up and crawled over to Arianah. "FREE HORSE RIDE," Arianah screamed jumping on my back.
"TO THE KITCHEN MY SERVANT," She shouted waking up everyone. I "walked" a few steps before I heard a pop. Arianah jumped off my back terrified of the popping noise. Then I saw confetti scattering all around the kitchen.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIANAH, " every one screeched. I almost touched the roof I jumped so high.  In the process of me jumping, I knocked Arianah over. "ARIANAH I'm sorry are you ok?" I said worried out of my mind

"I'm fine. But my birthday isn't for another month?"Arianah questioned, while also sending everyone in the room death glares. "Sorry got the name wrong."All three said in unison while chuckling nervously

"Happy birthday Savannah," they corrected while trying to save the surprise. Savannah looked very happy and began smiling like a madwoman. I got back up and walked to the couch. I sat next to Ronnie. And asked him a question I knew the answer to. "Ronnie, can I play with your hair, " I asked giving him puppy dog eyes.
"Sure, " he said nonchalantly. Wait. What. I. What I looked at him very shooked. Ronnie got on the floor in front of me and I French braided his hair. Then I heard the news I never wanted to hear.

"Hey, girls bad news. We have to go back to our buses today. So you are going to have to separate." Arianah, Savannah, and I just started at them we busted out into a laughing fit. Ronnie Andy and Vic just sat there in confusion written all over their faces.

"This is a dream come true I can finally get away from these jack asses." We all said in unison. Vic looked at us probably thinking about how strange we are. Ronnie and Andy just stood there laughing with us.

()()()()()()TIME SKIP()()()()()()

/\/\/\/\/\ Savannah's P.O.V/\/\/\/\/\

I hugged Arianah and Rachel then I started to get on the bus with Ronnie; Jacky, Ryan, and Derek were all inside the bus. " Hi, Jack asses this is Savannah I adopted her a few days ago, " Ronnie said. Everyone smiled and waved and I walked to the back of the bus and picked out a bunk next to Jacky. I crawled in and looked out the window staring at the other buses. Watching as we begin to drive away I begin thinking about the crush I have on Jacky. But I know I can't have one on him because it wouldn't go anywhere because he's too old for me. I begin to get drowsy then I fell asleep with my emotions clouding my mind.

[][][][][][][] ARIANAHS P.O.V[][][][][][]

I hugged savannah and Rachel one last more time and began walking onto PTV's bus. I got to the PTV bus and walked in. I saw four men playing Minecraft and drinking monster, hmm they are my kinda people. They didn't notice me because I was very quiet, so I took their drinks and put them in my new bunk. I chose one next to Vic's because IDK I just felt more comfortable around him.

"WHO STOLE MY MONSTER," I heard Tony screamed. "I DID," I screamed back mocking him. All of them turned around and looked at me confusion written on all their faces. "Vic, who is this monster thief,"  Jaime asked looking at me glaring the whole time.

"That would be your new niece," Vic said with a straight face I could see the hint of a smile on his face.

All of them walked over to me and we had a group hug. Then Mike yelled. "Who's the favorite uncle." "To be announced," I said giggling. I went back to where they were all playing games and played Minecraft with them and had my first monster.

{}{}{} RACHELs p.o.v.{}{}{}

I sat on the couch with Andy until I heard a knock on the door. Andy looked at me. I looked back. "Got get the door arnadcyhel." We said
  (Arnadcyhel= Andy+Rachel)

We sat there and stared at each other until I blinked and he started giggling.
"Stupid ass contacts," I muttered under my breath. I walked to the door and open the door just crack. "Hello, this is the Beirsack residence how may I help you," I said in a British accent.

C.C, Ashley, Jake, and Jinxx pushed at the door and made me fall backward.
"MOTHER FUCKERS SNOW A LOT OF SNOW. " I screamed making everyone fall to the ground dying of laughter.

"What was that," Andy asked through laughing. "When I get hurt I yell something that makes me laugh," I said chuckling. "Well, now that that is over Ashley, CC, Jake, Jinxx this is Rachel. I adopted her a few days ago."


  I hope you all enjoyed this chapter I made a sudden stop because to me this chapter is long


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