Getting To Know You (Chapter 2)

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Arianah's p.o.v.

Savannah and I were sitting on the tour bus and Rachel was in her bunk.
"So I know about you two but what about Rachel? Tell me about her." Andy said. "We rather not without her knowing because she gets defensive about stuff, but she is incredibly shy," we said giggling at our friend.
I went to Rachel's bunk to see her in the corner looking out the window at the rain. She looked very sad and was blankly staring at the rain I got concerned. So I went and tapped her leg but she didn't answer.

"SAVANNAH COME HERE," I called for Savannah because I know with her help we can get Rachel to bed. Savannah and I were going to pick her up. I got her legs and Savannah got her arms. We started lifting her when she started screaming. "Don't worry she having a night terror," I told them casually. I also mentioned that she slept with her eyes open. Then it was silent. She started shaking profusely then she woke up I guess. Because she got right back in her bunk and shut the curtains. "Maybe it's social anxiety rather than shyness," Vic says the proceeds to try and talk with her, but he doesn't get her to say much.

Rachels p.o.v

I was shaking really bad the night terror I had was really bad this time. I then felt a disgusting urge a ran to the bathroom with my razor in my back pocket. I pulled it out and cried more. I was trying to stop doing this but it was really hard I needed someone, Savannah. I opened the door. "Savannah can you come here," I yelled for her with a shaky voice.

Savannah and Arianah walked to the door. Arianah took my razor and dropped it in the toilet while Savannah hugged me and whisper good thoughts in my ears. Then we heard a knock on the door. Arianah answered it and let Vic in. "Rachel, what happened?" I didn't say anything I couldn't I tried and tried but nothing would come out. I started to feel sluggish so I went back to sleep.

Andy's p.o.v

I went and picked up Rachel and laid her in my bunk. She was creeping me out by sleeping with her eyes open so I tried to close them only for them to pop back open. I gave up after a few more tries.

I sat on the couch and talked to Vic, Ronnie, Arianah, and Savannah for a few more hours so we get to know each other, but it started to get dark so we decided that was enough talking for today and we should get ready for bed. "I'm going to sleep happy dreaming, " I mumble out lazily. I walk to my bunk where Rachel was laying peacefully asleep, she even closed her eyes after some point, and I climbed in next to her. I gently wrapped my arms around her and cuddled her as I began to fall asleep.

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