First Day Of Worp (Chapter 4)

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Rachels p.o.v

I was having a bad dream and I abruptly sat up in my bunk and hit my head on the bars under the top bunk Which hurt like a bitch. "GET OUT OF ME SWAMP!" I yelled

I heard all the guys laughing because of me I mean I was just too random. I decided to go to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I put on my clothes and put my hair in a high ponytail.

After I was done I went to the kitchen and decided to be a little jerk and sit in the middle of the floor where no one could get past me

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After I was done I went to the kitchen and decided to be a little jerk and sit in the middle of the floor where no one could get past me. "ANDY, RACHEL WON'T MOVE!" Ashley screamed at Andy while glaring at me. "Not my problem ash, " andy said looking him dead in the eyes.

"VICTORY IS MINE!" I screamed at Ashley knowing he is a bit competitive. I looked in his eyes challenging him, and before I could do anything Ashley put me over his shoulder. "AHHHHHH," I yelled like a donkey. "What was that Can Rachel not scream," Ashley said with a confused look on his face.

"I can scream but not like normal screams," Ashley looked at me confused for a moment not understanding what I mean. "Scream for me then, " he said looking at me.
I breathed in and started screaming. Getting weird stares from everyone. My 'scream' is lower than a foghorn and to say I was proud was an understatement.

"THAT WAS LOWER THEN HEAVY METAL BANDS!" Andy yelled with his eyes wider than a basketball. I went and sat next to Andy and put my head on his shoulder.

hope you liked this chapter
I'm sorry it's short I have writer's block

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