Stay Away From My New Family (Chapter 7) {GORE WARNING ⚠️}

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I was walking around town with BVB, PTV, FIR, arianah, and Savannah when FIR started coughing up blood.
"NO HELP SOMEONE CALL 911 NO HELP, " I cried out for hours, but no one came to help then PTV started screaming, "AHHH IT BURNS GET IT AWAY FROM ME FUUUUCCK!" I watched as deep slashes began appearing on their bodies as though someone had been scratching them from the surface.

I couldn't move now I was just standing there I couldn't do anything. Then BVB started crying, blood streaming down their faces instead of tears. They sobbed and wailed for hours before they stopped nothing could be heard and they were no longer breathing.

Just when I thought we had a break Savannah started bleeding from her scares, they were re-opening and blood begins to drip out of them. She bleeds out for a bit then she faints; I no longer see any sign of movement from her. Arianah started shaking and foam began coming out of her mouth. I started screaming, "HELP SOMEBODY HELP," I repeated.
Then I heard a voice call out to me, "RACHEL WAKE UP RACHEL WAKE UP it's JUST A DREAM Come on get up."

☁️😭End of dream😭☁️

"Come on Rachel it just a dream wake up," I heard andy say I could hear the worry in his voice. I started shaking not being able to cry.


I sat in my bunk watching doing anything that would detract me from sleeping when I heard a blood-curdling scream from Rachel's bunk. "HELP SOMEBODY HELP CALL 911 SOMEBODY HELP NO NO NO, " I heard Rachel screaming from her bunk.

I quickly got up and ran to her bunk opening her curtains to see her kicking and screaming I pick her up out of her bunk and put her on the floor. I did what I thought of and sat on her thighs to stop her from kicking and held her arms down. I then started to try to wake her up.

"RACHEL WAKE UP it's JUST A DREAM Come on wake up it's just a dream. It's ok just wake up come on I got you." She started to calm down then she started to shake. I picked her up and took her to the couch. I put her down and sat next to her. She then curled up into a little ball and put her head on my shoulder.

"What happened," Ashley, C.C, Jake, and jinxx questioned they all were standing in front of me and Rachel.
"I think she had I, night terror," I said not really sure what to do. They all sat next to Rachel and hugged her then quickly return to sitting when they realized that she is Closter phobic. We all ended up knocking out and falling asleep on the couch with Rachel.

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