Author's Note

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Well, that's the end of it, everyone! I hope that all of you enjoyed this trilogy that I brought to you! I wanted to show this to all Kingdom Hearts and non-Kingdom Hearts fans alike, because I really think that with each installment that I wrote, my writing skills improved all the more! Each entry was an evolution of me as a writer, and I'm really happy with the end result!

And well, you could basically say that this trilogy was a love letter to the Kingdom Hearts series, which I love very much and is a big part of my life! When creating this story, I wanted to make sure to craft a tale which would do the series justice, while also adding in my own style and adding a slightly more mature tone. Overall, I think that the end result really paid off, and I loved how this trilogy ended up! Using beloved characters and creating new ones definitely was a fun experience, and I had help from a lot of people, and their support ensured this story would come to light!

So yeah, I hope all of you liked this trilogy, and well, as for what comes next, I have a few ideas for new stories in my head, both Kingdom Hearts related and original content altogether! So I hope you'll all look forward to my future projects!

Thanks for reading! :D

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