Chapter Fourteen: Into The Underminer's Lair

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After everyone had their fill of food, they left the house, and now, they were to search for any clues regarding to the Underminer's lair! The giant problem with finding him was that he was constantly moving underground! But, since his digging machine had been destroyed, it no doubt must have slowed down his pace, which meant he couldn't be too far down into the earth, or too far for that matter! As was suggested, everyone split into groups. Since there were nine of them, they split into groups of three, and with that, they all headed to different points of the city, and they made sure they'd stay in touch in case anything happened! Raxon and Sky had decided to go with Elastigirl, and they were now proceeding to the downtown area of the city. It was quite the marvelous and bustling place! Elastigirl glanced over at her two companions, noticing that they seemed to be adrift. Her motherly instincts kicking in, she decided to see if there was something she could do to help!

"So, I'm guessing you're having problems with that friend of yours, Kyle, was it?" she asked, for she knew that much. Raxon and Sky looked at her with surprise, and they remained silent for a moment. Raxon then glanced over his shoulder and clenched his fists.

"He's not our friend...he's just tagging along with us...nothing more." he answered bluntly. Sky was going to say something, but decided to stay quiet. Elastigirl, in turn, closed her eyes and trailed off deep in thought. She then looked into their eyes.

"Well, I know this isn't any of my business, but it seems to me that the fact that you two are rejecting him is really hurting his feelings. And it looks like he's really trying to be your friend! How come you don't feel like being his friend?" she asked again. Raxon was feeling desperate, for he didn't want to waste time answering questions like this! At this, Sky decided to step in.

"You see, ma'am, the thing is...well, um, how should I put this? tell you the truth, we've met people like him a few times...and things haven't turned out well in the end. We're just trying to be cautious...because after everything Raxon and I have been through...we just can't..." Sky tried to say, but couldn't finish. He felt guilty making Kyle feel sad, but he just couldn't bring himself to face him either! At that, Elastigirl smiled.

"You know something? I've actually faced these kinds of situations before!" she remarked. At that, Sky tilted his head.

"You have, kupo?" he asked, feeling curious. At that, she nodded.

"Well, not exactly my situations, but my son, Dash's. When it comes to school, he's sometimes had a hard time making friends, and every time he's felt troubled, I've always given him this piece of advice: 'Never judge a person because of what they've been through or who they are. Because someday, that person may be the only one there to help you when things get rough!' And I apply that advice to the two of you as well." she stated as she patted Sky's head and put her hand on Raxon's shoulder.

"'s difficult..." Raxon muttered. Elastigirl smiled.

"Nothing is ever easy, Raxon. But you have to brave up to the things you're scared of, and take those fears and cast them aside. Give Kyle a chance, for he may be the only friend you two will have when all is said and done." she remarked. At that, Raxon and Sky thought deeply upon her words.

"Hmm, it seems we might have some sort of clue. Come on, guys!" she said as she pointed towards a cave at the far side of a blocked road.

Meanwhile, Kyle was walking with Dash and Violet. He felt comfortable being with them, and ever since they had parted from their house, they had been talking with Kyle the whole time! It made him feel nice that these kids were talking to him with utmost trust! He sighed and glanced back momentarily, as he thought of Raxon and Sky. He hoped he could be able to be friends with them one day. His thoughts were soon cut short by Dash, who was spouting out something quite loudly!

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