Chapter Thirty One: A Heart, Liberated

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The air was thick with tension! It had all come down to this! Kyle was now finally head to head with Jexana, and now, the coming battle would determine Ventus' fate! But the problem with this was the fact that Ventus himself was participating in this battle as well, which made this a very difficult obstacle for Kyle to overcome! But even with this potent obstacle, Kyle still stood strong, and he wasn't going to back down now! Not when he was finally so close to freeing Ventus from Jexana's hold! Emmxett and Tsumugi, who had been repelled by Kyle's barrier, remained just outside said barrier, closely keeping their eyes on the battle at hand! Braig remained where he was, and he was quite amused by everything that was happening. Apparently, he wasn't going to make his move yet!

"Heh, let's see how well you do against your own dad and my little sister...this'll be an interesting match-up..." he said to himself.

And so, Kyle, Jexana and Ventus remained standing there momentarily, and an eerie silence befell them. It seems as though they were all waiting on who would make the first move! After a few more seconds, Kyle decided that he would be the one to make the first move, as he leapt up and delivered a powerful Blitz attack that made both Ventus and Jexana whirl backwards defensively! Kyle immediately then took this advantage and then proceeded to launch multiple streams of Dark Light energy, trying his best to make sure he could concentrate all his fire on Jexana! He only fired at Ventus when it seemed as though he was going to attack him! Otherwise, he kept a closeful watch on him and kept him in place with a Bind spell! But, with Kyle's attention split, Jexana took the initiative and then used her power of darkness to extend out her hand, causing a darkened, clawed hand to extend from her arm and straight towards Kyle! On instinct, Kyle instantly got out of the way, therefore his attack was stopped! That's when Ventus launched himself towards Kyle, as the two clashed! His face was grim and full of determination to protect Jexana! Kyle clashed with Ventus over and over, until they reached a stalemate!

"I don't want to hurt you, Dad! Please, come back to your senses! You've got the power! I know you can break free!" he exclaimed, hoping he could knock some sense into Ventus! And for a moment, it seemed as though Ventus was trying to fight back Jexana's hold over him!

"Kyle...this is too risky...I might end up killing you...please, go to our friends...forget about me!" Ventus said, trying his best to hold himself back from attacking Kyle! Jexana caught wind of this, and her face immediately flared up with anger!

"Not a chance! I'm not going to abandon you!" Kyle proclaimed, and then, he broke the stalemate and cast Slow on Ventus, the spell succeeding in slowing him down! Jexana quickly launched a dark claw at Kyle and managed to grab him, then proceeding to pull him towards her! Just when she was about to use her free hand to form a dark blade with which to pierce through Kyle, he immediately broke free of her, and then backflipped away from her dark blade! Jexana then gritted her teeth and cursed under her breath! Things were falling out of control fast!

"This isn't good...this stupid boy has too much determination....he's breaking through to my beloved....if this fight drags on, Ventus will leave my side! I can't let that happen!" she thought to herself as she clenched her fists! Her anger was apparent, as darkness was seeping out of her intensely! She then summoned forth two dark longswords and propelled herself towards Kyle, and the two started to clash violently! They both kept up to each other, in terms of speed and strength! Jexana was baffled by the fact that Kyle still had this much energy within him, even after having endured a battle with Stralus! The fact that Kyle was still at full strength was something that irritated her greatly! She wasn't going to stand for it, and so she increased the output of her dark energy, therefore giving her longswords a greater reach! She managed to slice Kyle up a bit, but just barely! Kyle leapt back and seemed to be affected by the attack! Jexana smirked and chuckled to herself.

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