Chapter Fifty: Owari Part 10: Beauty Of Apocalypse

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The air was thick with tension.

Each and every one of the Keyblade Wielders, whom had all prepared for this final confrontation, now stood head to head against Jexana, who was using her power and the power of darkness to oblitérate them for good! Kyle and Trish, whose legs had been injured earlier, were healed thanks to Kyle's Key Of Balance! Kyle appreciated that he was able to stand on his feet, and so he stood by his mother and his friends, all of them in silence. No words were spoken, for now, all that laid before them was one final battle. Win, and they'd be able to put a stop to this war once and for all! Lose, and everything would come to an end. The stakes couldn't get higher than that! Jexana, who had been completely consumed by darkness and now stood before them in a towering, dark form, closed her gloved hand into a fist!

"You will not know mercy from me. I'll ensure that these final moments are the worst of your lives! I'll make sure that I make this so much of a nightmare that death will be a welcome embrace to all of you! There is no escape from my wrath!" she declared! And with that, she raised her right hand, and when she opened it, a wave of darkness came down upon the Keyblade Wielders, and for a moment, they were taken aback, for the darkness that was now surrounding them seemed to be sapping them of their strength!

"Huh? What is this?" Riku asked as he tried to dispel the darkness, but it was no use!

"Don't worry fellas, I got this! Light!" Mickey called forth, and a wave of light emanated all they way to the edges of the Station Of Awakening, and fortunately enough, the darkness was dispelled! But a few seconds later, they saw that Neoshadow Heartless were crawling up the Station Of Awakening, aiming to surround them!

"This isn't good!" Sora exclaimed!

"Everyone, we have to cover each other's backs! We'll be attacked by all sides! We have to hang in there!" Kairi shouted!

"Right!" everyone replied in unison, and with that, they started fighting off the Neoshadows that were already pouncing on them! Their claws were sharp and their bodies were agile, but the Keyblade Wielders kept them at bay accordingly! But as they did so, Jexana swung the X-Blade, bringing forth a massive wave of darkness that the Keyblade Wielders weren't able to block or dodge! They took the full force of the attack, and they were scattered across the Station Of Awakening, which was quite big! They also found themselves feeling weaker, no doubt an effect of Jexana's attack!

"We can't stop for a second! We need to be relentless!" Raxon said, and he transformed his Keyblade into dual pistols, and he began firing upon the Neoshadows that were getting in his way! Sky also helped clear out the field with his spells, and they both made their way towards Jexana! When they were close enough to her, Raxon fired concentrated beams of fire, while Sky shot forth multiple Triple Firaga spells, as they tried to see if they could break through her armor! But she simply swatted away the spells with her hand, and then, with the X-Blade, she created a giant tornado that swept up Raxon and Sky! Kyle glanced back and noticed this, and quickly attempted to rescue them!

"Guys!!!" Kyle shouted as he shot his Key Of Balance like a spear! Once close to the tornado, the Key Of Balance imbued itself with Tundaga magic, and it crackled through the tornado, providing Raxon and Sky with the opportunity to escape! Once safe, they continued their assault on Jexana!

"Thanks mate, owe you one!" the pirate remarked! But their chatter was quickly put to a stop, as Jexana slammed the X-Blade on her Station Of Awakening, sending forth gigantic waves of darkness towards the Keyblade Wielders! They were all barely able to dodge, and they tried to counterattack, but were kept at bay by the Neoshadows! Jexana then outstretched her free hand, and when she opened up her palm, dark chains came out, and they vigorously pursued the Keyblade Wielders, grabbing them one by one and pulling them up high above the Station Of Awakening! They tried to counterattack, but weren't able to get the chance, and so they were pulled up by Jexana's chains, and they were all held high up in midair! Soon after, purple flames began to sear from the corners of the chains, inching closer upon the Keyblade Wielders, aiming to burn them alive!

The Keyblade War Chapter III: Beauty Of ApocalypseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora