Chapter Nineteen: Closest To The Brink

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The silver haired woman picked up the pace and vanished instantly, causing the Keyblade Wielders to become disoriented. They didn't let this momentary distraction keep them still for long, for there were still enemies remaining from the airships that had been downed, and they needed to take them out before the other airships were close enough to deploy more enemy soldiers! And so, they kept up at it, but just then, the silver haired woman appeared in front of the Nobodies and Unversed that Dexeres and Vanitas had summoned, and she took them out with one fell swipe of her hand! She then dashed towards Vanitas and punched him in the gut, then proceeding to stab small daggers on his abdomen, and he fell on the floor abruptly! Dexeres was able to block the silver haired woman's attacks, but now, he hesitated once again to attack her. They reached a stalemate, as he was holding his ground, parrying the silver haired woman's bare hand, which was firmly grasping his Keyblade! He could feel the raw power emanating from just her hand, and he felt a tinge of fear course through him! He then looked at the silver haired woman and his eyes watered.

"Tsumugi...please, snap out of this!" he said as he finally called the silver haired woman by her name! All of a sudden, her eyes opened wide, and for a moment, it seemed as though something within her had resonated to Dexeres' voice! But just seconds after, she went back to her cold self, and she pushed Dexeres back and then kicked him hard in the stomach, sending him flying towards the other side of the airship! The other Keyblade Wielders gasped!

"Guys, Vanitas and Dexeres need our help!" Kairi said, as she was the first to lunge towards Tsumugi. As she charged towards her, Tsumugi simply twirled her aside and kicked her across the face! Then came Riku, who was able to distract her long enough for him to almost damage her, but unfortunately, her reflexes were unnaturaly fast, and before he knew it, he found himself being flung upwards, crashing on one of the masts!

"No!!!" Mickey shouted, as he and Minnie also charged towards Tsumugi. They flung spells of light and numerous Pearl spells at her, but she just blocked them with her hand, and as soon as they were close enough to her, she dodged them and made them trip! She then turned around and noticed Bahamut and Gilgamesh away from the airship, doing their best to keep the other airships at bay! She was about to disrupt them, when Dawn suddenly came on top of her and swung her Keyblade, just barely managing to hit her! Tsumugi gave out a yelp, as her shoulder had been cut, albeit just slightly! She then looked at Dawn, who was gripping her Keyblade tightly!

"You still have me to deal with!" she proclaimed. Tsumugi closed her eyes and then nodded.

"So it would seem." was all she said, and with that, they both stared down at each other, the air around them thick with intensity! Then they lunged at each other at the same time, and then Tsumugi vanished, and when she reappeared and was about to strike Dawn from behind, Dawn quickly made a 360 turn and blocked her attack! Tsumugi couldn't hide the surprise on her face as she just realized Dawn had blocked her attack! Dawn then proceeded to grab her arm and then flail her to the floor, then proceeding to swing her Keyblade at her! Tsumugi managed to dodge, but just barely! She then tried leaping up high into the air, and as she plummeted down, she tried vanishing again, but Dawn caught her in midair and slashed her with her Keyblade a few times, making her lose balance and fall!

As Tsumugi crashed down towards the floor and Dawn landed gracefully, she noticed that there were still a few enemies on the airship! She quickly proceeded to take out the remaining ones, and after all of them were finally defeated, she turned her attention back towards Tsumugi, who was standing up, her legs almost giving way!

"I will admit...I didn't expect you to put up so much of a fight..." she commented. "But's over." she said, and before Dawn could talk back, Tsumugi had lunged at her with lightning fast speed and pummeled her to the ground! She then sighed and winced a bit as she felt the wound on her shoulder sting a little. She then turned around once again, heading towards Bahamut and Gilgamesh, but then she was interrupted again, as she raised her hand and blocked an attack from Dexeres! He glared at her and remained silent for a bit. Then, he took a deep breath.

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