Chapter Seventeen

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Percy Jackson

"You should know better then to freeze a son of Poseidon." Percy Jackson's voice ran cold as he spoke to the goddess Khione.

"Is that so? I guess that was my fault." her voice was laced with venom as her very words came out cold like her personality.

"Yeah." Percy twisted his sword and stood in a fighting stance, "Come at me." he beckoned.

"As you wish." She said, a dagger was drawn in one hand and in the other magic sparked from it, ready to be charged and thrown towards Percy at a moments notice.

The Snow Goddess made the first move and charged, full blast at Percy. Percy was not caught off guard at the sudden lunge of the snow goddess, rather, he dodged the incoming, and came back with a counter attack. He jabbed his sword at the goddess who deflected the blow with little effort.

"My power has increased since the last time I fought against your fellow demigod brats! I am more powerful then you! Here," She paused in her dramatic speech, "You will learn true power of a goddess!" Khione let her knife clatter to the ground. She put up both of her hands to power up, but she had no time to do so.

Percy dove into action the second the enemy was vulnerable. His sword hit her side and dug into it, and almost immediately her heard her scream followed by the golden blood of the gods.

"Ahh!" She screeched again as the sword was ripped from her side, "I will not lose to a Son of Poseidon!" Khione yelled in absolute frustration.

"Khione!" Zethes yelled from the sidelines of the fight.

The snow goddess grumbled and and created thirteen ice daggers. She then threw them. Percy deflected twelve of the daggers, but one slipped under his guard and struck him in the shoulder.

"Gah!" He yelled as his shoulder was impaled with the knife. The knife that Khione had thrown his way was slowly freezing over his shoulder.

He took the handle of the embedded knife and pulled it from his shoulder. The remaining ice broke from his shoulder in a swift movement as he swung his sword in a quick arch and the sword met Khione's shoulder in retaliation.

"Now!" Percy yelled, his head turned towards Leo who had somehow managed in all the confusion escape from the drakon and take a sword from a frozen comrade and pierce the snow goddess.

"You!" She screeched one last time before disappearing into a shower of golden dust.

When the goddess was gone and defeated for the moment, the ice trapping the other demigods was broken.

Hazel came tumbling out first, followed quickly by   Frank. Both were taken a back by what happened.

"Percy! Look out!" Hazel yelled at the son of Poseidon.

He swung his head around and was met by the drakon. It's claw met his body and threw him into the treeline. His back hit the tree hard and Percy slid down the tree the rest of the way. He didn't pass out, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. His vision blurred slightly and continued to go in and out as he laid, propped up against the tree.

"Percy!" Hazel screamed. He wasn't moving and he assumed that was scaring her.

"I'm fine!" He tried calling out, but his voice was slurred.

Hazel ran to his aid, while the others continued, that being Frank and Leo, fighting off the rouge drakon. Percy wasn't sure what was going on as his vision continued to blur and spin.

Hazel swore under her breath.

"What?" He asked her, blinking hard once trying to clear his vision a bit.

"N-nothing." Hazel stuttered a bit, but her face turned dark as she lifted his right arm.

"Can you feel your arm?" Hazel asked him.

"Why?" He moved his head to look down, but he was yelled at.

"No!" She barked, "just answer my question!"

Percy furrowed his eyebrows, "Which one, because I can't really feel my right one at all." He then caught what Hazel was trying to hide from him. Percy gazed at his right arm and almost threw up.

That wasn't right. His arm wasn't supposed to be at that angle. And what was the white thing sticking out of his wrist? If he was remembering anything right, it was that nothing white should be sticking out of any of his appendages.

He then shuddered, "The bone, it's broken through the skin." Percy sighed, "Just get me to some water, besides these stitches in my neck need to come out."

Hazel nodded, but not before glancing at the battle with the drakon. From what Percy could tell from his view, everything was going well. Annabeth, Frank, and Leo were demolishing the drakon.

"Help me to the creek," Percy groaned, "There's one about 400 yards north."

Hazel nodded and helped Percy up and half dragged him to the creek. They both collapsed by the bank and caught their breath for a few seconds before Percy rolled complete into the shallow creek and began to let the water heal him.

The process was slow and painful, but almost instantly, the stitches in his neck and shoulder popped out like they should've and the scar that should've of been very profound was light and hardly recognizable. Relief flooded his body and the itchy threads were removed, but the relief was gone and he felt his arm begin to snap into place. The process of repairing broken bones was new to him. He didn't break bones very often and this was one of the very few times he actually did.

He felt the wrist bone slide back into his wrist and click back with a snap. He almost panicked and screamed when so happened, but he kept his composure and let out only a small groan. The arm was completely healed in a few minutes along with his concussion. At this point he was as good as knew and his heroic efforts with Khione in the beginning weren't a meaningless sacrafice.

"I'm good." He told Hazel confidently.

"Yay!" She cheered lightly, before a look of exhaustion crossed her face.

"Long day, huh?" Percy asked, also exhausted from the long travels.

"Yeah, it sure has." Hazel responded.

The small talked ceased as they approached the three demigods, plus Jason and Piper who must've shown up when Percy and Hazel were gone.

"Percy!" Annabeth cried, "Are you okay?" She rushed to him and gripped him in an embrace.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He told her, "my wrist is just going to be weak for a while."

"What happened?" She asked him holding his now healed wrist gently.

"It's broke when I hit the tree, but it's better know, I promise. It'll just be weaker for a while." Percy knew he had a stupid grin on his face as he looked at Annabeth.

Annabeth glared and did not return any words.

There was a moment of silence before Percy spoke again, "I'll be just fine Annabeth, I'm not dying anytime soon. Okay?" He looked straight into her eyes as he spoke.

She stared back and at that second Percy knew.

Annabeth didn't think he was coming home alive after this war.


Geez, you have no idea how much I hate myself for taking this long, but things are better right now so yay! here's an update and I'm not sure when the next one will be up since I just started highschool and it's a little crazy.

Also wish me luck on Wednesday, I'm playing in a varsity golf tournament and it would mean the world of you all sent me luck. :)


I hope I didn't piss you off too much and by the way Frank Iero is God. His album is amazing. Go listen to it. Now. Now. Now. Okay? good.

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