Chapter Sixteen

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Jason Grace

Piper attacked him once more, her dagger raised high over his collapsed body, "I will kill you Jason Grace and have your blood spread over the alter."

Jason turned away from Piper as he straddled him, he had hoped that when Piper straddled him, it wouldn't be when she was trying to slaughter him. Jason really didn't want his girlfriend to kill him, at least not today.

"Piper!" Jason exclaimed as the dagger raised higher over her head and came down horribly fast, but stopping before it plunged into his heart.

"I still need you, you ignorant boy." Gaea spoke through Piper, "But I can still incapacitate you."

Piper then brought the dagger down.


The five demigods ran off into the forest leaving Jason alone with his possessed-by-Gaea girlfriend, "Jason Grace, I have a proposal for you."

"Really?" Jason readied his sword, "And what may that be?" He pressed his possessed girlfriend, adjusting his sword in his hands.

"Let me kill you and I'll let your girlfriend go." Gaea spoke with ease, "I'll even make it quick." Her eyes narrowed and she sliced her dagger playfully through the air.

"As much fun as that sounds, I'll have to pass." Then, Jason made the first move and sliced right with his sword but, the sword made contact with nothing but air.

Piper was no longer standing where she had been the past moment, her body had been run over to the right by Gaea.

Light footsteps sounded behind Jason, and he tensed ready for action. He heard a swoosh of Gaea's dagger echo, and quickly he ducked underneath it, kicking his foot out and making contact with Piper's sword arm. Piper's possessed form grunted in pain, but the dagger still held firm in her hand. If possible, Gaea/Piper glared at him even more. Jason sighed and picked up the pace and began to attack fruitlessly. Every attack he sent her way was blocked or struck nothing but the air next to Piper. Out of breath Jason was taken by surprise as Piper sliced him and the shoulder, cutting deep enough to cause his strength in his sword arm to decrease.

"I have many tricks up my sleeve, Son of Jupiter." Gaea said with an everlasting smirk growing across her face.

Jason swallowed, at this point every nerve he had tried to hide underneath his pride came through and dominated every single other sense he had. Gods, he swore---nothing could get worse then this right? He shook his head, shaking the thought away, everything could get worse in the demigod life. Even though he was on the brink of death, he wasn't afraid---he wasn't afraid to die because it was at the hands of Gaea, one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He wasn't afraid to die because he went out as a hero, he went out a real heroes death.


"Piper! Stop!" Jason yelled as Piper's possessed body raised the knife higher over her head. For a second Jason recognized the eyes as she hesitated to lower the knife. But, it still continued down to his stomach with deliberate force.

"Please!" Jason hated begging, but at this point he had to stoop this low, "Stop! Piper! Pipes!"

Jason was screaming for her to stop, but there it was the knife in his stomach. It seemed to hit the exact spot that just got done healing. At this point Jason decided he should keep track of how many times he was knocked unconscious and how many times he was stabbed in the gut.

"Gah!" He yelled, fumbling the hilt of the knife that was plunged into his gut, "Gods!" He cursed as the knife moved inside him.

"Piper!" He groaned as she remained on his legs.

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