Chapter Twenty Three

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Percy Jackson

Percy felt the earth shake underneath him.

There was a loud explosion on the beach and everything went very still.

There were no birds, no wind, and the faint sound of the beach waves crashing were now gone also.

"It's too quiet." One of the demigods muttered.

Percy couldn't tell who stated the obvious, but he took Annabeth's hand and made a dead sprint to the beach, where Leo had gone to. If anything had happened to Leo, it all laid on Percy's shoulders, it would be his fault, now one else's. He was the one who allowed Leo to take the chalice to Gaea and willing hand himself over to her. He shouldn't had let him do it, it should've been a group effort to give Gaea the chalice so she could put herself asked, but that didn't happen. Percy was frustrated and he felt bad for taking it out on himself (and possibly Annabeth's hand) but he really didn't want anyone to die if it could be prevented.

"Percy! I don't need you to lead me!" Annabeth complained, Percy was pretty sure she was agitated at him.

"Annabeth, all I need is to get to the beach and have you there as my back up, I'm not sure what we'll find there."

Annabeth squeezed Percy's hand, and their running speed picked up pace. In no time, there were at the beach. The waves had picked up again when they got there, and the seagulls flew overhead. A distance away Percy could here the bustling of the nearly city. He let out a breath he had been holding for quite sometime.

"The city is awake again." Percy's said.

Annabeth grinned, "That means Leo did it, and everything is finally done, over, no more."

The reached the beach and rather than sand , was nearly a mile of dark clay. Percy raised his eyebrows, "So, I guess she's done now."

Percy found the fallen Chalice, the blood that had been dumped into it had spilled out. You could see tiny specks of white liquid dancing in the still wet blood.

"It's a relief, maybe we'll be done with everything then, Percy. It'll be nice, having a break."

Percy nodded, he was tired of everything. He had been gone from home too long and all he really wanted to do was chill in his mom's and Paul's apartment in Manhattan. He want to see his mom again, hug her and tell her that he was doing just fine.

"Annabeth, I'm to that point, where I really actually want to go back to school."

Annabeth laughed at him, "I just want to get back to Camp Half-Blood."

Percy grinned and watched the setting sun over the ocean, "It's nice right here."

Annabeth nodded, and kissed Percy gently, and Percy returned the favor.

"Woah now!" Frank hollered from a few feet away.

Percy and Annabeth laughed.

"She's gone!" Annabeth declared, "This entire journey is over and we have Leo to thank for it. Where ever he may be, an I can swear to you he's not dead!"

Jason nodded in agreement, "There's no way he could be dead, he's still has to find a little lady in the world, unless he doesn't swing that way, the I know someone he could get with."

There was an underlying joke there, and Percy chose to ignore it. There was a long moment of silence before Percy spoke again, "If I have to say something, it's that Leo was the true hero during this quest. Without him, we would've have failed. I may not of know the guy all that well, but I sure as Hades would like to."

The rest nodded in agreement before the silence overtook them again. Percy thought it was nice, watching the sunset on the beach. He hadn't done something like that for a really long time, and he wished he could stay in this little moment for the next five hundred years. He held Annabeth close to him, enjoying every last piece of heaven he gave to him. It was bliss, and he wished to stay with his Wise Girl, forever.

When the sun disappeared behind the horizon, Percy got up from the dirt/sand and dusted himself off. He helped Annabeth to her feet, and the rest of the crew filled suit, standing up one by one.

However, from a distance, there was the laughter of a young girl. Percy knew exactly who that laughter belonged to. His face went red and he wanted to hide. He really did not want to her, see Calypso.

It was too late, she was there, and walking with Leo. Percy felt himself smile. Of all people, Leo truly deserved Calypso.

"Leo!" Piper yelled, Percy watched her run to her friend and embrace him a giant hug.

The scene unfolded in front of him and the rest of the seven went to greet the fallen friend.

Percy made eye contact with Calypso and she glared at him, Percy nodded and knew he deserved it.

"I'm glad everyone's together again!" Leo chimed in overly dramatic, "I'm not the seventh wheel anymore either!"

They all laughed.

"So who's the lady?" Frank asked.

"This is Calypso." Leo introduced the nymph.

She smiled at them, "Nice to meet you all."

Piper furrowed her brows, "Like the girl who was imprisoned on an island for eternity."

Leo nodded his head quickly," Yes! And I rescued her!" He declared his proud victory like a brave knight.

"Alright, but Leo, she's way out of your league." Jason smirked and Piper punched him the the shoulder.

They laughed again, and suddenly, Leo interrupted the scattered chatter, "I know this is nice and all guys, but how are we getting home from halfway across the world."

Percy smiled, "I think I can help us out there." He whistled a good old New York taxi hailing whistle, and willed for Blackjack and his Pegasus friends to aid them a ride home to Long Island.

"It may not be the Argo, but it should work."

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