He got up and walked out of the room. He had to call her friends. Jacen ran to their ship and turned on the holo. He had it prepared to be sent to Coruscant, but he couldn't reach it. The signal was too week. Instead he sent the message to Princess Leia and General Solo.

"Princess Leia and General Solo, I am sorry to interrupt your trip, but I have some grave news. I tried to send this message to Master Skywalker, but it failed to deliver. The signal is too weak here. Please forward this message to him at once, after you have heard it. This afternoon, Master Starlight was hit by two speeders here on Nal Hutta and is now in a coma. She has a punchered lung, a broken rib, two broken legs, a fractured wrist, and a fractured scull. She made it through the surgery, but came out very weak. She also hasn't come out of her coma yet. The doctors say there's a chance she may not make it. They wanted me to inform you just in case. I will send our location along with this message if you want to come and see her. May the Force be with you."

Jacen sent the message, praying they would receive it in time.

Leia's POV.

Leia was standing by the window of her room. Looking out onto the snow covered Corellian mountains and the beautiful sunset. She and Han had been on their honeymoon for about a week and had one more week to go. They had been staying at a resort in the mountains. It reminded her so much of Alderaan. Han and she were going down to the dining room to have dinner and she was waiting for him.

Suddenly she heard her holo go off. She turned to see that Raina's ship calling. A recorded message was being sent. She knew it was probably about the Negotiations.

Leia walked over and answered it expecting to see Raina, but was instead greeted by a recording of her padawan, Jacen. She watched in confusion as Jacen's concerned voice filled the room.

"Princess Leia and General Solo, I am sorry to interrupt your trip, but I have some grave news."

At this Leia knew something was terribly wrong. She could feel it. Leia quickly yelled for Han.


The recording went on. "I tried to send this message to Master Skywalker, but it failed. . ."

"Yeah?" Han yelled to her from the bathroom.

"Get in here!" She shouted, as the recording of Jacen continued to speak.
". . .too weak here. Please forward this message to him at once, after you have heard it."

Han walked in, fully dressed in his suit. He looked at her in confusion. "Leia what's-"

She cut Han off and looked from him to the recording.

"Look at this."

Han came over in confusion and stood next to her as the recording continued. 

". . .Master Starlight was hit by two speeders here on Nal Hutta and is now in a coma."

Leia gasped and covered her mouth in horror. She looked up at Han, who was looking at her in worry.

"She has a punchered lung, a broken rib, two broken legs, a fractured wrist, and a fractured scull. She made it through the surgery, but came out very weak. She also hasn't come out of her coma yet. The doctors say there's a chance she may not make it."

"Oh my gosh!" Han said quietly in shock.

Leia has already begun tearing up. Her best friend was possibly going to die.

Jacen went on. "They wanted me to inform you just in case. I will send our location along with this message if you want to come and see her. May the Force be with you." Jacen ended the message with a saddened tone.

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now