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"Let's go back to naming them, that might cheer you back up." Ruby said to her softly. "Alright". Said Petal. "This tortoiseshell's name is going to be Oscar. "That's nice." said Ruby. "This calico, may i name him Scott?" asked Ruby. "Yes, I like that name!" Repied Petal. "I'll get you some food, my darling." Ruby smiled. "Thank you!". Petal smiled back at her. Ruby trotted over to the fresh kill pile, grabbed two voles, and brought them back to Petal". "You know, you don't have to do this." Said Petal. "You're the leader, you don't need to spoil me with voles..". "I'm fine with giving you food, you have been through bad things, and you now have kits." Said Ruby. "Be sure to have plenty of rest, dear.".. As soon as Ruby has said this, Lily opened her eyes. "Mommy...?". She mewed softly. Petal and Ruby gaped. "Yes, Dear?" Petal Replied. Lily came up to her mom and licked her. Petal licked her back. Lily looked at her brothers and sisters. "Mommy, why are dey Sweeping? She asked her mom. "Why, They're just not ready, deary". Replied Petal. "Mommy, how long will it take for dem to be redy?". Asked Lily. "Well, they make take hours, minutes, or maybe seconds." She replied to her kit. "You were the first born, so you are the first to wake up, my child. "Awww..... I wanted to pway....." Said Lily. "How about you explore the nursery?" Suggested Ruby. "Oki!" lily crawled around the ground, then got up and started walking. "That's impressive!" said ruby "It usually takes kits alot longer to walk." Petal smiled proudly. "i cant wait till my other kits wake up" she nuzzled them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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