XXVII: Bound To End

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The next room I enter was Julius's, yet it was locked so I had to break my way in. "Oh, where could he be? Oh yes, that's right. He's on his way to meet his Grandmaster, what else would he do anyways." I thought out loud.

I went back upstairs and stumble upon Francis. "Evie!" He laughs at the sight of me.

"Follow me." I led the king towards stables. "I need to get you out of here, Your Majesty."


"Duh? Because they want your head in a plate and they want your kingdom?"

"I can't leave. Not without Mary."

"Mary will be safe. She's the bloody protagonist of this story." He looks at me, puzzled. "Never mind. Get a horse, we're leaving."

"I can't leave."

"Yes you will, Francis!" I almost screamed at him. "Do as I say or I'll make you."


One out. More to go.

Francis has escaped the castle and is fleeing off to a nearby town to hide in for a while. He told me to get Mary alive or else he'll be force to exile me from Europe when this is all over before he left. I took it seriously as he is a King and literally would do it.

My mind is pixelating itself into more thoughts, giving me a dizzy feeling as the halls begin to blur. I almost lose my balance if it weren't for Bash. "Evie, I'm glad you're here. Julius is at the throne room, taking every surviving member of the court, including Mary."

We head for the throne room, but got delayed because of the Templar Knights overflowing the door. One of them excuses himself and rushes towards our direction to take a leak. I knock him out and throw him around the corner immediately.

"Sebastian, wear his uniform." Bash doesn't question why does as he was told. "Hold me as though I am your prisoner." He grasps both of my hands on my back firmly. "Now let's go."

Sneaking through the flood of Templars was way easier than I thought. With Bash wearing a helmet, all seems to be happening as I've planned until everyone gasps inside the throne room. Cesare Borgia stands beside Julius on the upper deck as Mary and the other hostages crouch down in fear in the middle.

"Ah, so glad you could join the party, Assassin!" The Templar Grand Master says with scorn. Julius doesn't seem to be happy to see me. Bash unexpectedly pushes me to the floor, and I kindly consider it as part of the plan.

I lean against my hands and look down at the checkered tiles of flooring. Cesare lifts my chin up, and my scowl hardens as he grins wildly. "You look familiar."

"Well I've probably been haunting you in your wildest dreams, Templar." I mock.

"Ha! You wish." He slaps me by the cheek harshly. I exhale a hot fume of breath as he walks away.

"Julius, handle her for a moment. I need to talk to the Scottish queen alone."

"You'll pay for this!" Mary growls as Cesare leaves the room with her, guards dragging her away as though she was a rag doll.

I gasp as Julius unexpectedly pulls me to my feet and drags me out. He pushes me inside a chapel room and I was about to lunge at him when he whispers, "I'm not an enemy so calm down."

"You are always my enemy, Templar." I groan, charging with my hidden blade as he fights back with a sword. Our blades clash, metal against metal. My blade breaks all of a sudden during the fight and I'm forced to surrender.

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