XXVI: Bound To Weaken

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Bash and I left the castle before dawn broke. We went to the clearing where the Templars camped, but it was too late. "How could we be so late!?" I growl. To my wreaking wrath, I kick a still active bonfire and slammed my French sword's blade to a dead skinned sheep on the ground. 

"Come now, that animal is innocent!" Bash scolds me. I throw him a glare as he raises his palms and motioned for me to continue. "Never mind."

I searched up every remaining tent, yet found nothing. I sheathe my sword back after I stood back to my feet. "Let's get back to the castle."

Returning, my wrath was so big I drove the horse at a maximum speed. Bash tried to remain at my tail, but arrived thirty seconds after me as we stopped at the edge of the woods. I stare beyond everything and focus at every part of the castle, as far as my eyes could go.

I expect to see fire, demolished walls, catapults shooting, Templar Knights charging, and the screams of the awaken people in the French Court. But no, I only see the rising sun at the horizon and hear the symphonic chirps of the birds. I see nothing but a still peaceful castle that remains perfectly intact like the last time I currently saw it.

"They're supposed to be here!" I roar at Bash. His husky eyes widen wryly in fear, frowning at me in pity.

I unmount my horse and I expect him to do the same to his but he didn't. He remained, and let me walk back and forth stressfully.

"Don't worry, Evie. Best we still need to prepare for their attack."

"Go, then. Warn the whole castle, especially the King himself."

Bash's horse moves forward and begins to gallop away, disappearing after entering the roll up gate of the castle.

I stopped and stare at the awing view for what seemed like hours, my hands still gripping my auburn hair. My horse remains behind me, snorting and neighing that he has gone bored.



I woke up alone in my chambers. "Where has she fled off to this time?" I sigh heavily. I always see her riding a horse in and out of the castle. I once heard her call it Alex, which made me think. I never really liked nor loved my brother. I only pretended to because I get to hang out with our cousin.

Evie was so biased, she always liked Alexander because I pretend to dislike her instead. Needless to say, I only did it because I inappropriately love her. This growing lust has been dwelling in me since we were young adults, reuniting luckily in a busy marketplace of London.

It maddens me seeing the both of them looking like young couples seeking mischief as they blend in with the crowd. Drinking tea from a distance, I avert my gaze to the porcelain cup I have crumpled like paper in silence.

We were eighteen, and if I still remember Evie was only fifteen or sixteen. I had noticed we were handling the same mission when they were following the same man I'm targeted to kill as well. We ended up on the edge of River Thymes.

Them being Assassins hid in the shadows, while I hid in plain sight, pretending to buy some selling goods on a market booth.

Our same target is a man in his sixties, and is responsible for the massacre of a whole village just outside of London. It was because the people of the village were being treated as slaves when they disobey him and his tyrannical rules.

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