XXIV: Bound To Ignite

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For God's sake, first the return of my curse and now the return of my evil cousin. Although Julius is the identical twin brother of Alexander, I dislike him as much as I hate onions. In fact he's not like Alexander at all, he's the polar opposite of him. He might wear his brother's Prince Charming of a face but his heart isn't to be trusted. And that Templar doesn't even have a heart, nor is he a man of his word.

I've never seen him in a while. The last time I saw him we were just four year olds, before we all got separated from our parents. Alexander and him were friendly, but not close because of their titles. The Assassins and the Templars have been enemies since the dawn of time, not even blood can withstand between their peaceful war.

"What happened to you earlier at the party?" Bash whispers to me as we watch Francis talking to Julius and his men from afar.

Mary is elsewhere, probably trapping herself with her ladies in her room since I told her to. Julius seemed to deem interest on her, and her heart being already belonging to Francis I kind of felt the need to protect her against my cousin.

You see, Julius is not just a Casanova. He's far more worse than that, much worse than the Devil himself. He also needs his wants, and he'll do anything just to get them, even if it takes walking too far off your line.

Though I'm still not ready to fess up to Bash, even if Nostradamus already did it for me. "Let's focus on the sudden arrival of Julius." I glare heart-wrenchingly at Julius' hand on Francis' shoulder.

"I thought it was Alexander, back from the dead." Bash says, seriously. I smirk, mistaking it as a joke.

"Alexander wouldn't betray the Brotherhood and join the power-hungry Templars. Plus, you killed him yourself." I scowl, and the vengeful monster starts whispering in my ears again. "You shouldn't have killed him, Bash. He was one of my few remaining loved ones, so not only did you killed him but you also planted a growing beast in me that is powerfully hungry to kill you."

"I'm sorry really, Evie." Bash sighs. "But if you want me to kill the right twin this time..."

I pat his shoulder with a thumb pointing to myself. "Let the true-blooded Assassin handle this."

"Are we still 'more than friends' though?"

"Who said we were friends in the first place?" I begin to leave the hall, heading back to my chambers.

"So we're official now?" He follows me.

"No, not tomorrow and not ever."

"So what you feel towards me for the past months is only lust?"

I stopped and turn around to face him as I say yes before proceeding on walking away.



"So, what brings you here friend?" Francis asks across the table full of fruits that would sustain a man's stomach in his whole lifetime.

Vengeance. I want to kill your mother. "I want to offer my services to you, my King." Instead I said.

"That's a kind offer, soldier. What would you like your position to be?" He questions, handing me a goblet of wine as he drinks his.

"Same as my cousin's."

"Who is your cousin, if I may ask?"

"Evangeline Kenway. We don't share the same surname as I carry my Spanish father's Gutierrez."

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