XX: Bound To Be Revisited

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My eyes open wide like windows rattling in a storm. I lean against the headboard of my bed with a large thud though my mind I'd going out of control.

I dreamt of the night I ran away from my village. It's all coming back to me now, it always does despite that my birthday is just right around the block.

The days of my birth has been one of the very favorite times my past visits me with a reminder where I came from. I came from terror, I ran away from death.

Back at England, when I was still doing my training with Alexander and Mentor, I'd dream thousands of nightmares in a total of three restless nights before my birthday.

Mentor didn't knew why it occurs, neither do the doctors and physicians. But Mentor did say I was cursed, by my own parents' ghost. He said my parents still missed me so they visit on the days before my birthday. To let me know that they still love me.

Mentor never knew how to banish the curse. It can ruin me, he said. But Alexander sometimes would come up to sleep with me every time it occurs. He said he'll protect me from the ghosts. But now that he's gone, I worry I will one day give up. I'll grow tired of my parents' visitations and I'll finally end my misery.


The sun had fully woken up from its crib when the castle disappeared from view. I've decided it'd be a good idea to hunt in these 'dangerous' woods where the Pagans live. I always love adventuring in places where danger dwells for a very long time.

Carrying my bow and arrow and the only thing that makes me feel protected is my Assassin hood and cloak, something blurs past me. It was a horse, with a Court of France signia on its saddle.

I chase it to make it stop. And so it does after such several attempts of taming the wild beast.

What's a Royal horse even doing around here in the quarter to noon?

I look around the clearing as the horse neighs and jerks away when I grab a hold of its rope.

"There once was a girl, roaming around the woods for something bewilder."

My body tenses at the voice. No, it can't be.

"A mind so fragile, one touch can burn her like a dragon's flame."

A branch cracks from behind. I turn around to see someone, luckily it was only the horse.

"No." It comes out dry from my throat.

Smoke emits from the nearby birch trees. I blink twice, thrice, and still they continue to exist.

"Alexander, get out of my head."

"Evie, my sweet daredevil of a cousin. I thought you loved me more than that."

"Alexander, get out."

"We could've been better off together, if only you loved me and not that Royal bastard..."

"ALEXANDER, GET OUT." My voice echoes throughout the depths of the woods. A platoon of crows flew from a foliage.

Someone clears their throat behind me. I didn't hesitate to spun around in a swift. And there he is, black brownish hair, forest green eyes, the Assassin uniform, the signified hidden blade sticking out from his left wrist.

The horse rattles from my hold and pushes me off my balance, sending me to a pile of dead leaves. Everything blurs but Alexander. He had crouched down in front of me. His hand is caressing my cheek, making me unable to normally breathe.

Then unexpectedly, he leans in and pulls me in a kiss on the lips. I feel his hands moving down to my chest. Graceful dance music fades in and I feel our clothes tranquilizing. When I open my eyes again, I see 14-year-old Alexander on top of me, making out with me.

"You're not real." I whimper against his touch, budging him away. "Get off me, Alex!" My voice sounded a lot more happy than terrified. "Get off me!"

"You can come with me, Evie. I can take you to your parents. We can finally be happy again."

I slapped my palm on Alexander's chest, the wrist blade drowning deep in his fourteen year old bod. His youthful face melts to crimson and it stains my uniform, dripping perfectly onto my Assassin insignia.

I crawl backwards as his body slides down to my stomach. I get him off, but stayed on the ground, only hearing my own breathing.

"Suffice to the Creed once again, for it will be the only thing that may strengthen you." This time it was the voice of Mentor who spoke. It was the words he have told me when I struggle to finish a level of my training. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Your curse will end, and so will your problems."



Damn. I've lost track of her again. Her foot trails stopped on a parted birch tree, through it is nothing but the other side of the woods, or is it? I jumped to the other side, hoping to get sucked in a portal to the Pagan's God's world or something. None, it really was just the other side of this vegetation.

A horse neighs, galloping past me in a supersonic speed that I almost fall off my standing. It's one of Francis' horse. Why would it be here? Unless its owner is here as well. Traipsing down the opposite direction the horse is heading, I couldn't believe my eyes.

The Pagans performing a ritual in high noon. They're inside a pentagram and on the midst of it is no other than an unconscious Evie in her sleepwear.

I decided to hide and study them for some moments. There must be a reason why they're performing rituals again. But to whom for? The Darkness is already dead by me, and the prophecy has been fulfilled. Heck, the Plague has already left a week ago.

The three hooded Pagans stopped their chanting when I threw a rock as a distraction to a curl of bush. They ran off quickly without even gathering all their stuff nor their sacrifice. I counted sixty seconds in case they come back before I left the clearing with Evie in my arms.


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