I: Bound To Suffer

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Mentor, Alexander, and I talked as promised, after we killed our target in an English military camping just outside of my town's woods. He was accused of sexual assault and mental abuse to his wife and his only daughter and child. There was no other way, and we had done it secretly and hid his body elsewhere where no one can find him but ourselves. We talked in Mentor's study. I knew it'd be more serious since if it wouldn't we could've talked in public.

Flopping down on the flush chair in front of Mentor's desk, Alexander pinches my shoulders which made me fight back with a quick slap on his hand.

"I thought I have raised the both of you right." Mentor announces aloud. I can sense he's obviously irritated of Alexander and I right now, especially with the fact that Mentor has caught us almost making out in the middle of a ghost town. "I thought wrong." He finishes, looking away disappointed.

I couldn't help it, neither of Alexander and I can. Our feelings for each other were taking over.

"You may not look like you're related but my God knowing the fact that you are by title is much worse I could vomit."

Mentor has been like a teacher figure to me, as he does so. I've remembered myself when I was a child I used to share secrets with him, mostly crushes, but none including dear Alexander.

Alexander and I stayed silent, mouths zipped for the whole time Mentor would scowl down to the floor, pinch the bridge of his nose, and sometimes glance in disappointment at us.

"The Order will be embarrassed by the both of you."

I grew up sensitive and unable of controlling my tears, and then joining the Order happened.

"So I have no choice but to sentence you both to exile if you wish to continue your... Relationship."

"Mentor, it will never happen again." It comes out dry like a slimy lump of phlegm; painful but you'll be thankful it had come out finally after so many waiting, so many clearing of your throat.

"What about you, Alexander?" Mentor's eyebrows rose like he's waiting for a funny joke.

"Say it will never happen again, Goddammit!" I whisper to him since he was right behind me.

"It will never happen again, Mentor." He says in an almost serious and lousy manner which made Mentor's eyes burn wider.

I could see flames fuming from his pupils that I must looked like a puppy right now.

"As Master of the British Assassin Order, I hereby declare Alexander Kenway to be exiled from Europe or should he be hanged by the neck if not agreed upon. And for you, Evangeline Kenway, are to be accepting on a mission alone this time, so your unacceptable feelings for you cousin shall banish like a speck of dust in the wind."

"What? Alone? Mentor, I must-"

"Silence!" He growls and I return back to my seat. Alexander moves his lean to Mentor's table. "Have the both of you not known that incest is a sin of whatever religion or not? Either you accept or you will never carry the title Assassins wherever you go ever again. Now leave and pack your things before you leave this place. Not you, Evangeline. We still have to plan for your mission to France."

"France?" I ask after I heard the door closed like thunder bolting out of the sky. Alexander must be angry, but why? Is he really feeling the same way I feel for him or he's just pissed he's going to be exile from England.

"Yes. France." Mentor glares at me for the millionth time.

I was never always this spoiled nor childish. I just am when mischief visits unexpectedly.

Before he begins talking again, I ask, "Can I speak to my cousin before we start?"

"You wanna continue that kiss you have almost made back at the woods?"

"No, Mentor, but because he is the only family I've left." I say. "And he'll be leaving for your exile tomorrow or God knows when."



I chase him all the way towards the second floor balcony before I caught his attention. He was walking so fast, he really was of course pissed.

But I don't know on what reason, of me or his exile. Or both.

Although he doesn't seem to sound as pissed as I have expected by the tone of his voice. "I'm sorry, Evie."

I kept two tight holds on his wrists in case he tries to escape. "You needn't be sorry about anything, Alexander. We were drowned of lust and we are hormonal teenagers, at least everyone who was once a teenager has kissed someone they loved, even to their cousins."

"You really are in love with me, aren't you?"

I'm smiling, yet I don't know why. He wasn't smiling, he was frowning in shock, disapproving of what I'm trying to say.

"Evangeline, we can't do this. I'm sorry." Our hands unlinked and he begins to climb the balcony railing.

"I'm leaving for France tomorrow for a mission, without you, or anyone else for that matter... At least give me something I'll never forget about the times we used to do when we were still partners."

He climbs back up and when our faces were positioned, he plants a soft pluck of his lips on my forehead.

"You missed." I sigh.

"What we feel for each other is lust. But I love you as family only and you must need to feel the same. If you want to start a family with me, you can't. Our children will be born of deceased nor disabled. So I am begging you, Evie, forget me and move on. Find someone a lot more suitable for you."

My palms rest on his unshaven jaw as my lips shudder throughout the cold and the tears.

"I-I never cried in a long time, you know." I stutter. "The last time I cried was for my parents and now you..."

He runs a thumb on my cheek. "This separation may be a good omen for the both of us, Evie." And with that, he lets go of the railings and leaps to another building, taking on his hood and blends in a walking crowd after a band of English soldiers began marching on the street.


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