Chapter 2

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Roman looked over his work one more time, making sure it was absolutely perfect. Two people had visited the castle moments before, asking about business and other things. They were very close friends named Joan and Talyn. They were both very funny and extremely nice. Joan even offered to help Roman, but Logan reminded the both of them that it was the prince's job only to work on those things. Groaning, Roman had to agree with Logan. He was sometimes such a buzzkill. Roman hugged Joan and Talyn goodbye, and had returned to his work. Pacing his room, he practiced his most recent monthly speech. Logan had insisted he take a break, but Roman was too nervous to stop. Finally, the prince had decided it was time to quit. He was tired, and could barely keep his eyes open as he attempted to finish the letter to one of the neighboring kingdoms. His body finally couldn't take the exhaustion, and he fell asleep halfway through one of the words. Logan had come in 35 minutes after, about to tell him something, but stopped himself when he saw the sleeping prince. He smirked, lifting Roman up and carrying him to his bed, tucking him in. He patted the prince's head, then left, turning the lights off and continuing his work before sleeping too.
    Virgil went back to the tower to check on his servant. As usual, he was sitting in his desk, writing in a notebook. He had no idea what the servant was writing, and he didn't have the time, nor patience to read it. Virgil sat down at the window, gazing down at his "lovely village". His servant sat up straight, picking up a piece of paper and kneeling to him once again.
    "Prince Virgil, I have finished my report." Virgil nodded in satisfaction at this, and walked over calmly, taking the paper. He sat back down and read through. Nothing truly noteworthy, nothing new, just notes. Small arguments from villagers, and the usual complaining. He would take care of that. He still had prison space, right? He turned to his servant, who was adjusting his glasses.
    "I need you to collect someone for me." The little servant perked up at this, not used to a command like this.
    "Who would that be, my prince?" Virgil suppressed a smirk at the little nickname. His servant always had a way of cheering him up.
    "I'd like you to go to the village and get me the person who sent this letter. Deliver them immediately, preferably tortured. If you do not return, I will find you." His servant nodded, getting ready to leave. Virgil opened the door, fastening a bracelet to his servant's wrist. Around the entire village, there was secret electric fences all around. If his servant tried to leave, he would be killed immediately. He had plenty of servants, he could always replace one. His servant left, and Virgil watched the little guy as he wandered the village, looking for the person.
The servant had been given a small knife to defend himself. At first, he was scared. No, he was terrified. But, he then realized how similar he was to Rapunzel, and he smiled. He always watched Disney movies with...he didn't remember. But Rapunzel was always his favorite. Prince Virgil had thrown him a partially burnt copy of the book, and even though he couldn't read half of it, he loved the story. It then hit him what he was supposed to do with this innocent person. Eyes followed his every movement as he walked past the other villagers. 'Don't worry,' he told himself. 'You have the knife.' He took a deep breath, and finally found a place where not many people lived. He heard a few noises behind him, but he saw no one. Turning a corner, he found himself at a dead end. He sighed, and was about to turn around, when someone pulled on his cardigan, momentarily choking him. He was turned around and faced with a man about his height, maybe taller. The left side of his face was snake-like with a black and yellow eye, and the right side was normal. He sneered, holding a knife to his throat.
    "Why hello there~ What are you doing here~?" He spoke very smoothly, and it was almost enchanting. Mysterious.
    "I...I," Patton sputtered, unsure what to say, eyes becoming cross-eyed at the knife. The man hummed, pushing the knife further towards his neck.
    "Who exactly are you~? I don't think I've met you yet~" The servant shook his head.
    "I'm new here. Who are you?" The man smiled darkly and took the knife away slightly, but still aimed it at his neck.
    "I am most known as Deceit~ And what might your name be~?" The servant struggled to answer. He hadn't heard his name in a long time. Did he remember? Yes. A little. He tried to remember. The thought was there, but it disappeared when he tried to think about it. In response to his silence, Deceit brought the knife closer. The servant whimpered, struggling to find the memory. Finally, it hit him.
    "My name is-"

The Dark and the Disneyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें