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When he heard that click, he knew it was over. His life didn't flash before his eyes like it does in movies and his loved ones didn't whisper in his head or some heartfelt shit. His only thought was oh shit. And then it was over. There was no pain, no panic, nothing. Because, well, nothing happened. Lance opened his eyes, and he was met with the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Black was holding the barrel of the gun in his metal hand. Either the gun or his hand was smoking, and his eyes were fixed on the thug. If they were pointed at him, he would've peed.
"Blue! Are you okay?" Another familiar face appeared by his side. It was red, his hand on his shoulder.
"Y-yeah. How did you guys know I was here? Or like, to come save my ass?" Lance asked, shaking off the near death experience. There was a pained cry in the background, but he wasn't paying attention. Black was probably breaking the thug's fingers or something. Which, yes, he was definitely grateful for and would most certainly be kissing his ass for the next month.
"Your heart rate was skyrocketing, so the Princess looked for you location. Black and I came as soon as humanly possible, and I guess we were right on the dot." Red chuckled darkly, looking over to where the young man was holding a broken hand (and fingers) in agony. Can't pull any triggers now, Lance thought to himself. Sirens blared outside.
"Fuck, that was a close one, huh? I'm kinda disappointed that mt life didn't flash before my eyes." Lance joked, and a hand touched his other shoulder.
"That's a myth, Blue. It would take your brain too long to do. You'd be dead before you reached 1st grade." Black smiled at him. "I'm really glad you're okay." Lance smiled back warmly.
"Me too."
"And also me, I don't know if I said that yet." Red chimed in, and they all laughed a bit.
After the cops showed up and arrested the man, they entered the sewers and headed towards HQ. Lance made the obvious joke, and was rewarded with two lighthearted groans. He was so glad he was still alive.


Fuck. When the Princess said there was something wrong with Blue's heart rate, he was a little spooked. When he heard the sirens, and headed towards the subway, his heart felt heavy, and when he saw the gun pointing at Blue of all people, he almost broke.
He jumped into action, blocking that bullet with his metal hand. Damn, he was gonna regret that. Green was gonna yell at him for messing it up because they'd have to fix it. Oh, well. Blue was more important.
He wanted to hug him. He wanted to kiss him and tell him how worried he was. But he couldn't, so he settled with breaking that guy's fingers and his other hand bones. He wondered what the other bones in your hands are called, but that wasn't important either. He needed to get his feelings in check. So, he made a plan; talk to Blue after the meeting. Maybe take him to that building he likes to sit on and just... talk. About feelings or something. He didn't know. But it was gonna happen.


Keith was relieved to find Blue alive and still charmingly annoying, but even more relieved that the Princess had dropped the angry mom act. Yeah, he cared about Blue more than most people, but the Princess makes him nervous when she yells.
"Okay, now let's get started. I've got some good and bad news... which do you all want first?" She clapped her hands together lightly, waiting for a response. She got none. "Okay, good news first then. The good news is that Green has some updated tech for your suits and masks! Yay..." You can almost hear the crickets. "But the bad news is that we recently recieved a ransom note of sorts." Everyone shot up.
"What do you mean 'of sorts'? Is it a ransom note or not?" Keith asked, agitated. It was late and he was tired. And he was stressed about his date. God, he hadn't been on a date since middle school, and that was with a girl. And she ended up throwing a coke in his face. He kinda needed some advice.
"Well, it was more of a warning. You know those theifs Nyma and Rolo?" They nodded, "well, they gave us a big heads up for a little leeway. There's a big crime syndicate in town and theyre offering jobs. But the big problem with this is that the leader might have... powers." She quieted, and no one else made a peep. They were all too shocked. They had never met anyone else with powers. None of them really knew how they got their powers. All Keith knew was that one day he was normal and the next his house was on fire, and the only thing that was left afterwards was him. From what everyone else has shared, they all just kind of woke up with them.
Blue spoke up. "Well, what are we gonna do?" The Princess was quiet for a few seconds, her head down. Then she looked up at them and smiled.
"Whatever we can."


"Blue, can I-" Red and Black stopped themselves short. They both were talking at the same time, which was weird, but the fact that they were both talking to Lance seemed to be weirder to him. Since when was he popular?
"Oh, uh, sorry Red. Go ahead, yours is probably more important." Black said, looking pretty sullen.
"Are you sure?" Red asked, but not in a cincere manner. Like, if Black had gone back on it, he would've been disappointed.
"Yeah, definitely. I see you guys next time." Black said, and Lance responded cheerily, remembering to thank him again for saving his life earlier. Then he turned to Red.
"Can you give me date advice?" He asked instantly, startling Lance. He gave him an odd look, but obliged.
"C'mon, I know the perfect spot to talk." And they left towards Lance's favorite building.

I'm gonna be honest here and say this was a little dry. There's a bunch of shit I wanna get to but it's taking more time than I expected. Also, there probably won't be anothwr chapter tomorrow, unless Jesus himself rises from his grave and writes it for me. I've got work and a bunch of other crap, but I'll have it up as soon as possible and it will (hopefully) be really good. I have some nice stuff planned. As always, comments and votes are appreciated. My Tumblr: BigMistakeTM

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