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A/N: Thank you all so much for the support so far! I love seeing all your comments! Anyway, please keep leaving comments and votes because I love hearing your feedback! My Tumblr: BigMistakeTM

Beep. A groan. Beep. Beep. Keith slammed his hand on the alarm clock, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He was a freshmen at Altea University, the best college that was close enough to HQ. Thankfully he had mostly afternoon classes, but God did he hate having morning classes. Well, it was only one class in the morning, but it still sucked.
He arose from the bed, stretching as he walked to the bathroom. He was smoking a bit from a dream he couldn't remember.
Today was a busy day for him. The only day he has a morning class scheduled, and on top of it he had a meeting at Voltron HQ. The only good thing about it was that he'd get to see Blue and Black and not have to be fighting.
Keith got dressed, layering up because it was always so goddamn cold in Altea. He put on a black polo and a red sweater over it. Black jeans, red shoes to go with it. He pulled up his hair since he had forgoten to take a shower. Then he left the dorm and headed down the insane amount of stairs.

Arriving in the classroom 15 minutes early, he was unpleasantly suprised by the sight of his least favorite person. Lance.
He was infuriating. Always goofing off, never paying attention, distracting everyone else who wanted to learn. And yet, he still did good in the class. He picked fun and joked with everyone, but Keith seemed to be his favorite target. He wasnt mean or anything, in fact, it was usually bad jokes and shit like that. He was just... extremely annoying.
"Keith! Good morning! How's that awful mullet?" Lance leaned over the desk, three rows above him. Keith grimaced.
"Good until you opened your mouth." He retorted, taking his seat in the front and hoping the professor would arrive so his torture would be over.
"Ouch. That one hurt. But, I gotta ask, didn't I see you on the cover of Vogue? Cuz I heard they were doing a bit on dead fashon trends." His lanky body was fully draped over the desk now, while he gestured to Keith's... everything. This just added to Keith's annoyance. He was a delinquent, but at least he didn't go rubbing himself all over furniture.
"Are you making fun of my outfit?" He asked, looking down at it. He was dressed different that usual, he would admit, but it wasn't too different.
"Definitely not! I'm complimenting it by saying it should be in Vogue. There's a very big difference." Keith was about to insult his outfit, which was a blue t-shirt and sweatpants(???), but the professor walked in. It would have to wait.

(ง 'ω')۶

Shiro wiped the grease off his arms as the hot water flowed down his body. He worked at the garage early this morning and was getting ready for his afternoon classes. He was a junior at Altea University and was just trying to survive at this point. He was getting a degree in engineering, but already found a job he liked that made enough money to live on. The only reason he didnt drop out is that he didn't want to waste the money he had already spent, which was a ludicrous amount.
He arrived at class almost late, stepping in just as the professor was starting class. They made a snide remark but otherwise didn't care. There weren't many seats left, so he took one next to a kid he didn't really recognize. They were extremely small, and their caramel hair poofed upwards. A pair of glasses that looked like they were for an adult were sat atop their nose. They looked at him as he sat down, but gave no sign of being interested in his existence.
When class was over, they stayed seated, typing away at their computer.
"Hey, um, are you new?" Shiro asked them. They looked suprised that he was talking to them.
"No. Most people don't see me though." Was their reply. There was a pause. "I'm sixteen, by the way. I knew you wanted to ask." Shiro chuckled.
"Yeah, a little. Do you... get this?" He gestured towards the board, which had complicated notes projected on it.
"Yes. Do you?" They replied, giving him a questioning look, like only an idiot wouldn't understand.
"Do you want some help?"
"Definitely. Coffee?" Shiro offered, wondering if this kid's body could even take coffee.
"Sounds like a plan... what'd you say your name was?" He told them. "Tomorrow morning then. I'm Pidge, by the way." They shook hands, and Shiro left for his next class. He ended up late.

ԅ( ˘ω˘ԅ)

Lance hated him. His stupid hair, his stupid grades, his stupid everything. He wanted to punch him in the face. But he can't, so he just annoys the shit out of him. He knows he hates it. That's why he does it. He'll lean over the desk and picks at him just so he can see the anger tint the boy's ears a dark crimson. Sometimes he feels like he might see smoke come out if he pushes a little further. But he doesn't take it too far, cuz he's not an asshole. He just wants to bug him.

Lance leaves the classroom, shooting the boy one final look of distaste before leaving for an early lunch. He' supposed to meet his friend Hunk at a local diner. He worked there as a chef, which was nice because it was practice for when he graduates and becomes super famous or something. At least, that's what Lance thought would happen.

He arrives at the Diner (called Shlav's Multidimensional Diner), SMD, at about 11:15 and takes his usual booth in the back. His best friend soon joined him, sliding a plate of the literal best pancakes he has ever tasted.
"Mornin' Lance. You look nice. Did you bring my notes?" Lance nodded and pulled a notebook out of his bookbag. Hunk mumbesd a sweet and flipped through the pages. He had been missing class to work at the diner. Thankfully, attendace wasn't part of the grade.
"So how was the date?" Hunk finally asked, setting the notebook next to him. Lance instantly groaned at the question, remembering the awful weekend.
"Terrible! He was a total creep. First he took me to McDonald's, then he pretended to forget his wallet, and then he asked to look at my feet in the back of his car!" Hunk visibly cringed, but then started laughing.
"God, that is just your luck! Jeez man, I'm so sorry. I had no idea." He had set Lance up with the guy. They had food prep together or something.
"Remind me to never agree to a blind date again." Lance grimaced, continuing to eat his pancakes. At least they made him feel a little better. The boys talked for a while, until Lance had to leave for his afternoon classes.

A/N: GEEZ!!! This one was exactly 1200 words long. Sorry it took so long, I was kinda busy today. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed.
Comments and votes are appreciated greatly! My Tumblr: BigMistakeTM

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