day 2

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(Your point of view)

You woke up to the sound of your alarm which you set to 11:00 AM to have an hour to get redy befor the chruis. Wen you got up out of bed you grabed a blak crop top with the  batman simbol on it with a pair of black ripped jean shorts and made your way to the bathroom to take a shower. Wen you got out you put on the cloths you picked out wen you woke up and put your hair in a high ponytail. You looked at your phone and saw you had another half-hour to palk so you continued where you left off. Wen you finished you went down Stairs and had (F/B/F/) for breakfast. "Are you ready for the cruise?" your mom asked. "Ya i can't wait!" you replied excited."is dad coming to see me off?" you asked. "Of course why wouldn't he?" your mom asked. "I dont know" you replied. Then your dad walked in "hey baby girl you ready?" he asked "you know it" you replied. "Ok we gotta go before we miss the bote." your mom said. "K" you replied quickly puting on your Adidas Gazels. You where in the car for a good 10 minutes but it felt like 30. Wen you got there you got out of the car huged your parents and sibling goodbye then got on the cruise. You followed the line of people to the front desk to get your room key. Then wall looking around the room you saw a cute boy with fluffy brown hair and dark brown eyes. Beside him wher a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and another boy who kinda looked like him but not quite. Then then person at the front desk said "Next". You look at him and he have you your room key and the skedual for the week. You thanked him then turned back around and the cute guy was gone. You just brushed it off and wen to your room to unpack your stuff. Wen you opened the door the room you where staying in was beautiful it was so light and pure. There was a big dubel bed, a Tv, a walk in closet and your own bathroom. You immediately ran and juped on the bed it was so soft almost as if it was filled with fethers. You then realized you left your stuff in the hall so yo quickly ran and got them. Wall you wher in the hall you noticed the same guy form earlier. HE WALKED IN-TO THE ROOM RIGHT NEXT TO YOURS! You quickly grabed your stuff and went inside hoping he or his friend didn't notice you. Wen you calmed down you started un packing. after you finished you realized how late it was so you orderd room service and got (F/F). When it got to your room you devoured it. Then you disided to get ready for bed cuz you had a convention to tomorow so you brushed your teath then put on a black T-shirt with a skelaton hand in the rock n role simbole on it and a pair of black pajama shorts. Then you went to bed.

The Summer Of A Life Time (Pasteltheghost X Reader) Vol.1 (Warning Long)Where stories live. Discover now