"If you don't come here in half an hour your good as dead" warned Carmen hanging up abruptly.

"Carmen's baby shower... you're invited... men's barbecue in the garden" Theora explained the best she could while out of breath.

"Got it I'll be ready in five" Nicholas said before running towards his room to get ready.

Theora ran to the closet luckily she had picked an outfit days ago, a pink pastel dress with a purple sash around the waist, which Theora liked because it was very reminiscent of the 60s, and matching shoes pink pastel heels. Grabbing them she placed the dress on the bed and the shoes by it on the floor before running into the shower. The shower took a total of two minutes including brushing her teeth. Drying her hair took the longest and Theora gave up in the end only slightly blow drying her back hair and tying it into a hidden bun. She was dressed when Nicholas knocked on her door grabbing her makeup bag and shoes she opened the door and both of them ran out of the house together.

Misha had hired some other maids to help with the mess Theora had made yesterday and was busy in the living room.

"We're late to Carmen's baby shower" Theora shouted as she ran out the door whether Misha understood or not wasn't her main concern at that moment.

Theora started doing her makeup as Nicholas drove as fast he could. Theora knew she couldn't make the perfect cateye and also want to reach on time so sacrifices had to be made. Theora opted to just put on some foundation, apply some pink lipstick and blush that's it sticking with the basics today she thought. She knew she'd never be able to do a cat eyeliner while Nicholas was driving this fast.

They reached just as Theora placed all her makeup back in her bag. Leaving the bag in the car, Theora grabbed her clutch and ran out telling Nicholas to go to garden from the side gate.

Although most of the guests had yet to arrive, Theora's parents, Yaiyai and Carmen's in laws were already there Theora went up to greet everyone who were in the sitting room overlooking the garden where the baby shower was held. Yaiyai gave Theora a glare telling her inaudibly that she was in for a lecture.

"Theora you finally came so good you could join us" Sara, Carmen's sister in law said. Theora never liked her she was always stuck up and her kids were little monsters in children's clothing.

"Hi Sara" Theora said meekly

"Well you can be excused for being late after all what is to be expected from a newlywed couple" Sara winked suggestively all the women in the room laughed uncomfortably while Theora wanted to grab Sara's throat and wring it instead she plastered on a fake smile.

"Where's Carmen?" Theora Asked trying to change the subject.

"In the kitchen" Theora's mother answered. Theora quickly made her way to the kitchen to meet Carmen who was busy talking over the phone while simultaneously telling the maid where to place a tray of miny pizza with cheese shaped as baby bottles and pacifiers on top. Carmen was too busy to notice Theora come in so Theora took full advantage of it and hugged her sister from behind.

"I'm so sorry" Theora apologised placing her head on her big sisters shoulder "I'm the worst sister ever"

"Yes. Thank you. I expect them here ten sharp for the clean up. Goodbye " Carmen said into the phone hanging up "Glad you could make it" Carmen said addressing Theora placing the phone down on the counter.

"I'm the worst you should never talk to me again. Tell you what disown me right here, right now" Theora said letting Carmen go to face her. Carmen wasn't looking her way clearly still upset.

"Manny will you ever be able to forgive me" Theora pouted holding Carmen's hand with both her hands.

"You know I can't be upset with you forever Tiny" Carmen said shaking her head "but I am disappointed I was expecting you to be here first thing"

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