Itidem Parum Ferendum

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          "I... no, you're kidding, that's not going to happen," I said with a fake laugh, "Jody I'll be fine."
           "You never listen! You and Claire both! I risk everything to make sure you are okay. Then you both turn around and leave me! Claire vanish and just did small hunts... you- you teamed up with the devil! The DEVIL," she said lashing out at both Claire and I.
          "Jody, nothing is going to happy, I'm going to be fine."
          "Oh ya, since you're half demon you think you can go on and be perfectly safe. No! Angels are on earth now, not going to deal with anyone in their way and certainly not a demon. Since you're only half you're even worse and more powerful. You're a target, they are the shooters. I can't risk losing you, then plus with you being with Lucifer, the target is only bigger," she said as she grabbed my arm, holding tight. I could feel her fear in losing me, but I was unaffected.
          I pulled back my hand and grabbed my bag, "I'll be fine Jody, really," I said grabbing my things, "call me whenever whenever we get a lead. There is a case not to far from Sioux Falls, it's in Pierre, the capital. Just a ghost problem, loved deceased ones popping up, won't be to hard," I said giving her a hug before walking out.

          "Hello, this is Agent Mohan, how may I help you?" I asked as I parked my car outside a motel. I didn't think of the call too much, I'd get a few and send them to other hunters when I was busy so I figured I would end up be doing the same with this one.

          "Thank god you're alright," a deep voice chimed on the other end.
          "Castiel? Where have you been? We have been looking for you what seems like forever," I said with a soft smile.
          "Where are you at?" Cas asked, his voice stern and almost demanding. It felt... off.
          I kept my guard up, I knew he was a friend, but something was up, "just working a quick case, I'll see ya later. Bye Cas," I said and immediately hung up the phone.

          "Okay, this should just be an easy salt and burn," I said standing above the grave of Carver Lend, died of a heart failure a few years back. A few of his friends and his wife were found dead with a missing heart. I first thought werewolf, but the neighbors saw Carver walk up to his old house just before killing his wife.
          Watching it burn, I felt a chill. I immediately took out my iron blade and checked the area, "who's there?" I called out, but my words started to get stuck in the middle of my throat. Out behind the bushes, a tall man stood. He was very big, his hair was nicely cut and he was very well shaved. Besides how his body looked scary, his blue eyes were soft and filled with emotion.
          "Dad..." I managed to let out, dropping the blade that weighed down my arm. I fell to my knees as my eyes filled with tears, "dad... it's all my fault... I'm so sorry,"
          "It is. I would be still alive if you hadn't abandoned me. If you hadn't paid close attention and almost got yourself killed. It's all your-" his anger was suddenly halted as an iron rod was swung across his back like someone hitting a ball in baseball, sending it for home run.
          "It's time to go." The random guy said in a hurry, picking me up we fled the grave yard.

          We arrived at a motel, he sat me down on the bed to rest and so I did. I dozed off for a few minutes before coming to realization. Quickly I sat up, looking around the room until I found him. He had light brown hair that stopped mid way to his shoulders, his eyes were a very pale blue and he stood near 6". He was very strong, but would always be weak compared to Sam and Dean Winchester.
          "Who are you?" I asked watching him closely, examining every move he made.
          "I'm sorry, my name is Spencer. I should've said that the moment I met you but I needed to get you out of there," he said with a slight smile, brushing his hair back with his fingers.
          "I got the ghost problem fixed, if you want you can sleep now or I could get you a separate room," he offered.
          "This is fine. What was it?" I asked about the case.
          "Dumbass kid, name was Lucas Stevens. He thought it would be cool to try out a book his grandmother left in the basement before she passed. It was a spell book, neither of them actually knew, but Lucas had a suspicion and took it too far and released a few guys," he said with a small chuckle, I too found it kind of hilarious.
           "When will kids learn that what is dead, should stay dead. Also that kids shouldn't play with dead things," I said shaking my head. I took off my shoes and crawled back onto the bed. I felt that I could trust Spencer, he seemed like a good hunter and as if he didn't know much about me.

          That next morning I found a note by my bed, it was from Spencer.

          "Hey, it was really good getting to know you, y/n, but I had to leave Pierre for another case. I wish you well."

          I ripped up the note and threw it way. I grabbed my bag, shoving my boots back on I headed to my car. Right as I was about to open it unnoticed two police officers talking to the motel worker. I rolled my eyes and threw my bag into my car quickly just in time that they didn't notice it.
          "Miss y/n, we would like a chat." He said taking out his cuffs. "So, fake I.D, fake names, fake credit cards, is anything real in your life?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
          I put my finger on my lip as I took a second to think. When a thought came to mind I made a gesture as if a bulb in my head turned in, "my boobs," I said with a childish smile, which ended with them being pressed on the hood of my car.
          After a long drive to the station where I got cuffed to the table. The officer sat in front of my, watching me with stern eyes. I remained the same, calm, for this wasn't my first rodeo.
          "Now miss y/n. Mind explaining to me what you were doing at the grave yard, digging up a body that you ended up cremating?"
          "Simple. Just a quick salt in burn because of a ghost," I said plainly, I mean, I wasn't lying.
    The other police looked at me like I was a freak, "this is a serious situation you got yourself into. Felony charges, theft, and you've been with the Winchester brothers so even more charges with them," the police stopped, I knew he would've been able to continue but the police sitting in front of me stopped.

          I read the name on his chest, "Mr. Garmon, I know what you're doing. Good cop bad cop, but I know both of you guys are really good cops. But I'm telling you the truth. I did nothing wrong. Yes, it may look that way in both of our eyes, but if you realized what I did, you would notice I saved a bunch of lives today," I said as I noticed my phone was ringing. It's was Jody. "Thank you boys, but I must go, have a good rest of your day,"
          My words made the other officer block the door, but I smirked as I sat on the chair. With a simple snap to my fingers I vanished.

          I got back to my car and quickly got back to Sioux Falls. I hurried in, everyone including Donna sat down at the table talking. All but Claire and Kaia... I remembered the rest of Patients vision. I wasn't the only one going to die, Claire was too. I looked at Jody, she understood my look and reached over to my, but I moved quicker. I looked around for Claire, luckily found her in her room. That would mean... "Kaia," Claire said in a sob. Kaia had died as they went to get Sam and Dean.

          After talking to Claire, I shut the door behind me and walked to Jody, "where is Sam and dean?" I asked worriedly, panicking as I hadn't received a call from either one of them. I shook my head, "Jody I'll call you when I get to them," I said giving her a hug before leaving. It felt like my last, it felt wrong leaving,

          "I love you," she whispered in my ear.

          "I love you, Jody,"

The Devils Little Game (Dean Winchester X reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora