A Cross-Over Special

Start from the beginning

"Thank you," Donovan said.

They held their silence and waited for the group to pass through before closing the door again. As the door shut, the noise was muffled but before them was another scene of chaos. Men in workmen's outfits hurried by, lugging speakers and amps. Donovan led the group on, seeming unfazed by the rushed paced of everyone around them.

"This was a terrible idea," Carter whispered to Donovan.

"Again, I'm sorry. I will make it up to you."

"You better. Who goes to concerts anyways?"

"Some would say people who enjoy music."

Carter rolled her eyes. They wound their way through the maze of corridors. Along the walls were framed photos of all the past performers the venue had held. Maddy let out shouts of surprise when they passed singers she knew. Carter glanced at Donovan. His lips curled, seeming to read her thoughts.

"There are rooms along here," she said. "I'm sure they are accustomed to finding bodies in them all the time."

"Carter," he said, his tone warning.

She shrugged. "Only thinking of our options."

Donovan shook his head, chuckling. He looked up and read a sign that said Green Room hanging over a doorway.

"This is it," he said.

They stepped inside.


Lennon shifted on the couch, resting her head on Kade's shoulder. He kissed her forehead, his hand finding hers. He smelled of something woodsy, a scent that made her think of home. They sat on a soft leather couch in the stadium's Green Room.

The room was larger than most of the places she had seen. There was a long, polished bar that ran along the wall on one side. Adjacent to it was a banquet table laden with food. Clusters of people moved about, most of them performers, as well as some assistants and the occasional fan.

"How are you holding up?" Kade asked.

Lennon inspected their joined hands, feeling as if her body weighed a thousand pounds.

"How do you think? We literally just got off of touring. I want to sleep for a month, not perform at some JingleBall concert."

Kade gave an understanding chuckle, the sound rolling over her and making her smile despite her exhaustion.

"It's just one night and then we'll be home," he said, his voice soothing.

She smiled at the word home, imagining his family, the shouts as they played games and the smell of food that never left the air.

"Lenny, you feeling alright?" Noah asked, falling into a chair across from them.

"Besides feeling like I might fall over if I stand up? Yup, I'm totally fine."

Noah laughed and took a drink from his beer. Will walked over and eyed them.

"Why did we sign up for this?" he asked.

"Charity," Lennon said. "Unlike us, Kade apparently has a heart."

"I thought you had possession of that," Noah said, giving her a teasing grin.

"Guys, it's just one night and all the money goes to cancer research," Kade said. "It's worth it."

Noah rolled his eyes, but said nothing. His gaze wandered to a brunette across the way and he stood. "Pardon me."

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