Jaeoh remained silent but knew she have to make up her mind now. She had dated once and it was also with an idol but it didn't went well. However, seeing Daniel like this and even liking him so much, she felt caught in between. Should she try it once more?

"I-i will. But are you ready for anything that may be thrown towards us?" Jaeoh finally agreed as she hold  Daniel's hand.

Daniel was so overjoyed to hear that he immediately hugged Jaeoh.

Jaeoh laughed, "If you hug me any tighter, I will not be able to breath!"

Daniel loosen his hug and smiled sheepishly, "so today is our first day!"

They went ahead to wash up. Since Daniel didn't have any extra clothes with him, Jaeoh had offered Daniel some of Taemin's clothes.

Daniel rejected as he did not want to have Taemin finding out about his clothes. Jaeoh than offered Daniel her biggest oversized sweater. She laughed when Daniel had change into it. It was really baggy for her but it fit Daniel a little tightly.

They prepared american breakfast together and sat at the dining table.

"Can I ask you something Jaeoh?" Daniel said as he munch on his bacon.


"How did you find the kiss last night?"

Jaeoh choked on her food and coughed. She regain her composure afew seconds later and drank water which Daniel had given her.

"I-it was fine."

Daniel grinned hearing that, "Was it your first?"

"Nope. It was not." This time Jaeoh smiled as Daniel's grin were wiped off his face.

"Who was your first kiss? Tell me!"


"I am your boyfriend now you can't be hiding things from me!"

Jaeoh wanted to tease Daniel further, but she couldn't resist with Daniel pleading and pouting a little.

"It was Jackson."

"J-jackson? Which Jackson?"

Jaeoh cleared her throat knowing Daniel might be shocked, "Jackson of GOT7."

True enough, Daniel was shock with his mouth hanging.

"I didn't know you dated Jackson sunbaenim.."

"We were never caught. We just didn't work out. Only GOT7, my oppas and SHINee oppas knew about this."

Daniel was silent after that. Jaeoh could see a constant cramp formed on his handsome face and got a little worried.

"Are you angry?"

Daniel shook his head.

"Disappointed? Upset?"

Daniel shook his head again.

"Do you not like me anymore?"

"No! You know that I like you!" Daniel retorted, "I just didn't understand how he could give up a girl like you."

Jaeoh felt relief that Daniel was not negative about the news, "He had many schedules not only in Korea but he had to keep flying to Hong Kong and China. We kind of slowly drifted. Maybe we did not put in much effort to maintain our relationship so we kinda broke off. I was sad for a little while, but I recovered quickly as I already see that coming. My oppas had all told me so when we started being together."

Daniel suddenly grinned again causing Jaeoh to be confused.

"It's okay, because if you never left Jackson Sunbaenim, I will never have the chance to be with you."

Of JaeOh and her 7 Deadly Sins (Kang Daniel + Taemin Squad)Where stories live. Discover now