He laughs "Amen to that brother." We start to head out and check our gear. I reload my pistol and put my katana back on my back. We catch up on what happened with each other. I laugh as he tells me how he went through a tree, but tell him I landed the same way just without the tree. He tells me how he fought wolf like creatures. He took on a whole pack singlehandedly.

We keep moving and I see the ruins, I point it out to him and we decide to take our approach cautiously. Darnell leads the way while I watch the back. I keep backing up until I hit Darnell, I look over his shoulder and what I see only makes my jaw drop. Blocking the way to the ruins seems to be a giant scorpion. I go to take out my katana with my pistol already out from before. " Darnell, what do you think we should do man?" He goes towards cover to avoid it spotting us. He grabs my shoulder " Did you see the armor on that fucker?? Our guns aren't gonna make a dent if we shoot it's face." I look down towards my pistol and think. Nah this ain't gonna do much, only thing I'll do is waste ammo.

I hear a older woman's voice in my head "Put them together Huy and use them as one." I'm broken out of my thought. I look around and see no one but I get curious, is she talking about my katana and pistol? I look more closely at my weapons.

Darnell notices " What you doing? Got a plan for that fucker?" I notice a port by the handle of my katana and it seems to fit the barrel of my pistol, I test my theory and put my pistol in the port, what happens next makes me more giddy than a school girl being asked to prom by her crush. It starts transforming into a sniper!! Darnell sits in awe as we watch together to see what it forms. From what I can tell when it finishes it looks like a high powered sniper rifle now.

Darnell's POV

I'm amazed at what I just saw! His katana and pistol formed a sniper, a high powered looking one at that. I start think of a plan and I think it'll work with that sniper of his. I grab his attention from his new toy. " Huy I gotta plan bro."

"You know what? That just might work man ."

"Alright man I'm gonna get in position, then you setup with that sniper and give me the go ahead." He nods his head and says good luck, he moves into position so he has a view of everything. I make my way up some rocks to ambush the scorpion. I get a good look at and realize what I'm about to do. " Jesus H Christ Huy you better not fucking miss." I get ready and see Huy, he uses his phone to reflect the sunlight back at me to signal me he's ready. I back up to give myself a running start. "Lets start the show brother" I sprint and jump off the rocks and put both hands behind my head going for a sledgehammer like attack and slam my hands on it's head. Cracking the armor but not breaking it, it's dazed but sets it's sight on me and stares. "Oh shit" I look up seeing it get it's stinger ready "Your pretty pissed huh big guy?" It roars in my face in response and I do a side roll to avoid it's stinger. It tries again but I do a backflip to avoid it. I gotta hit it one more time to break through and give Huy his opening. I pull out my SMGs to do some damage, I aim for the tail and they do short work on the tip of the stinger. Now that's out of the way it goes to grab me with it's claws but I jump forward, bringing my fist towards the armor and breaking through completely. I jump on it's head and launch my self towards Huy's position. I yell out " TAKE THE SHOT" he seems to be hesitating, I seem to realize the fucker is RIGHT BEHIND me. This thing is fast besides the size of it. I do something crazy and pray Huy goes with it. I sprint faster to get some speed and decide to slide and as soon as I'm on my back sliding against the dirt I hear a boom go off and feel the wind off Huy's bullet and then hear screeching. He did it! He actually did it!! I come to a stop and look back at the creature, it wobbles for a few seconds and falls down and stops moving. That fucking sniper made a pretty big ass hole in it. I start chuckling and soon I break off to a full on laugh.

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