I asked Yi Fan, "Gege, how is mama now?" Yi Fan took me to the room where my mom was treated and then he left me alone. "Ma... I am here now," I said in half whisper while holding my mom's hand. My mom was still unconscious. She had just had the surgery for her gastric a few hours ago. 

My mom was discharged from the hospital 3 days later. I went home with my mom. "Papa has arranged a family meeting next Saturday. Let's meet up with your future husband to decide the wedding date," my dad said once I arrived home with my mom. 

I begged my dad, "Pa, I don't want to marry a stranger. Can't we just cancel the wedding? Gege told me that our company is in the good state now." My dad scolded me, "Our company is in the good state because they have been helping us when you're not around! How can we pull back your marriage agreement after we received too much help from them??" I fell silent. 

My mom went into her room immediately. My dad said strictly to me, "I don't want to hear any excuse! You'd better come with us to meet your future husband next Saturday!" My dad left me alone and went to see my mom.

When Yi Fan came home after work, I dragged him into my room right away, then I knelt down before him. Yi Fan was shocked and said, "What are you doing? Get up, Xiao Wei!" "No, gege. I won't get up until you promise me you will help me," I said. "Okay, I promise I will help you whatever it is. Now, get up," said Yi Fan.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yi Fan took me and my mom to the beauty salon before we went to the family meeting at the korean restaurant. I wore a long hair wig to make me look more feminine because my original hairstyle didn't fit my cute pink dress and my silver colored high heels.

My family and I arrived at the korean restaurant 30 minutes early. After 20 minutes of waiting, I told my dad that I wanted to go to the toilet. My dad told Yi Fan to go with me because my dad wanted to prevent me from running away.

Yi Fan took me to outside the restaurant and stopped a taxi for me. Yi Fan hugged me and said, "I will do something to pull back the marriage agreement. In the meantime, please hide in a safe place. Don't worry about mama. I will tell her about this later." I smiled at Yi Fan and said, "Thank you gege, I love you."

Suddenly I saw Lu Han, Jun Myeon and grandpa getting off the black Hongqi in front of the restaurant. I got on the taxi immediately to leave the restaurant. I headed straight to Beijing Capital International Airport.

I arrived in Seoul at 11:50 PM. I took a taxi from Incheon International Airport to Tao's aunt's apartment. When I got off the taxi, suddenly a guy with military haircut approached me and asked, "Wu Xiao Wei-ssi?" I asked back, "Who are you?" 

The guy suddenly dragged me into his black van by force and then tied me up. He also used a handkerchief to silence my mouth. He drove his van to somewhere quiet and then he made a call, "Hello, it's me, Do Kyung Soo... Yes, she is with me now... What? You want me to what?... Okay, no problem... I will do it as you say as long as you add the money... Okay, I understand."

Kyung Soo lighted his cigarette and when he saw I trembling in fear, he said, "Don't worry. I won't do anything to you. I only need my money." After smoking 2 cigarettes, Kyung Soo poured liquid dope into his handkerchief and used the handkerchief to anesthetize me. I fell unconscious after a few seconds.

I didn't know how long I lost consciousness. When I regained my consciousness, I still felt a little bit dizzy. "Ahh... Where am I?" I mumbled while holding my head and looked around the room to find out where I was. It seemed like I was in a hotel room. I saw the digital clock on the bedside table and it showed 7 PM.

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