chapter 31

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Thank 5HANDCCISMYBAE for this update as they have been like spamming this story and it sunk in that I need to finish this story! So that's what I'm gonna do

With our army fully guaranteed all we need to make sure is everyone is ready and prepared to do whatever it takes to bring these mother fuckers down. Humans see them as the good guys, the ones that will save them from anything, if they really need the help. They can't be so wrong, they hate anything that isn't human with a passion. It would take an absolute miracle for the humans to see the truth behind it all; they will be out to destroy anything that doesn't worship them. Drunk off of power I say.

Once upon a time they were kind to every creature, if it was from hell or not, as long as you don't going around in a murder spree, then your safe. However back then the world was extremely peaceful, hardly any wars or random killings. So they never really stepped in, seeing as they never really had a reason to back then. Then the war between me and Camila started, the humans ran to the angles seeking for protection against us, even though neither of us had any attention of even harming them. After that the angels thrived on the power the humans were giving them, they took it as a chance to be able to kill any creature not worshiping them; they got away with it because the humans say it as they were doing whatever they could to protect them.

In consequence humans despised us and anything that the don't see as a holy being. While we ar all wanting revenge for our family, friends, lovers and our kind. Year after year a species would riot against them, next thing you know they would no longer exist, and become the stories you tell your children at night before they go to sleep. Their stories live on, not to be forgotten. Now that the recent events have happened, people are taking this as a chance to fight for those that have been killed by the angels cruel nature. This isn't just about y/n/n this is about justice and revenge.

The justice that should of happened way before y/n, it shouldn't take one life that means something to two leaders, to do this. It shows how naive we all are, it takes one person from me and well the rest of us to open our eyes to see the real problem within this fucked up planet we call earth.

"Lolo?" Camila waves her hand in front of my face, trying to catch my attention. "You dazed off.. they are here, I don't get how you never realised" she chuckles slightly. That's the first time I have heard anything close to a laugh come out of her mouth since the incedent.

I slowly lift my head to see a whole army of demons... How did I miss that? The things you don't pick up on when you are so deep in thought about something you are so passionate about.

I take a few steps forward and smile "Welcome all of you! We all have one goal and that is to take justice against those who has harmed the ones we love! Or us ourselves but managed to get away! This is our time! Our time to make things right! We won't stop untill we get what we want!" I boom over the crowd of people knowing perfectly well they can hear me from the super hearing.

They all cheer making the moral between all of them sky rocket. They all mumble amongst eachother about how this has been a long time coming, or how they will kill the angles or just random gossip. I let them do this for a few minutes then I take in a deep breath.

"Alright! There isn't two much of a plan, Tori will teleport us up there and well we will just fuck shit up! If you want to take prisoners we will supply you with some equipment, that once again Tori created years ago, mainly for this event! They look like this" I hold up a small sphere that is almost transparent, with a hit of white. Sparks fly out of it, but all it does is give you a tingly feeling on your fingers.

"This! This, right here is called the reaper, if you throw this a little needle sticks out, and if this needle gets them in the neck well there soul gets trapped in it! When there soul gets trapped their body turns to dust the reaper collects it! So then you can crack it open and the soul combines itself with the dust to reform the angel! We will put them in a stable prison and find out what they know! They have their own tricks up their sleeves which would be valuable to us! Everyone get one of these! You don't have to use them but you can if you wish!" I inform them.

Some you can tell they like the idea of capturing one, while others are just out for the blood.

"One last thing!" I shout once more for them to all stop their bickering. "You all know about mine and Camila's mate! She is somewhere up their unconscious! If u find a hybrid you need to bring her to us! She needs to be brought to us safely! And the person! Or group of people who bring her back to us will be rewarded greatly! You will get one thing you all want! In reasonable conditions! So are we ready" their cheers of yes's fill the air as I look over to Camila as she nods.

"Hold your hands out! A reaper will be placed in your hand!" They all do as they are told, and with a wave of Tori's hand they all have one I'm their grasp.

"Let's do this shit!" I turn around and grab Camila's hand and kisses it softly. "We will get her back, promise" "I hope your right" she mumbles.

"Tori now" and just like that we are in the angels domains.

Sorry it's been so long but hey here's an update. I love you kittens!

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