As they settled, Thomas was able to pull his eyes away from the impending rain beyond the safety of the walls and registered the absence of his moral side, "what happened to Patton?"

"I'm over here kiddo, we thought it would be a bit safer if I wasn't standing in front of the back door." Their host cast his gaze to where the trait in question was now sitting a few steps above his gloomier counterpart. He slowly nodded in agreement as the other two regained their bearings and continued to argue.

Having more to worry about wasn't something that Thomas needed at the moment, but judging from the fact that the sense of panic slackened, it was clear that the heated debate was helping to distract him from the storm. Begrudgingly Anxiety kept his mouth shut, if the online personality wasn't as scared, it would make his job of watching out for any danger that the weather may cause a little easier.

Their host's focus continued to shift back and forth over the course of the next hour, every time the power would blink, a gust of wind would cause rain to lash at the windows, or a few minutes of hail would pelt the roof. However, the other aspects had stopped being serious about their altercation a while ago, instead using the most ridiculous topics they could come up with to pull Thomas back to the conversation and keep him distracted.

Another fifteen minutes went by and for the moment, the focus was on the physical embodiments of his personality, allowing Virgil to be somewhat more aware of his surroundings. A soft cracking above them drew his attention away from the others; it wasn't the same as the distant thunder or any of the other sounds caused by the storm. Discreetly casting his eyes upwards, he noticed a fissure in the ceiling that had not been there a few moments ago.

Dread caused a chill to rush down his spine, as if someone had draped a cold washcloth across the back of his neck. The dark figure had been counting each time he'd heard one of the shingles blow off the roof, and now he was aware that the damage had become substantial enough to cause a hazard to them.

The place where the roof was losing its structural integrity was just above their host, but in the area between where each of the sides were standing, making it unlikely that any of the others would be severely hurt when it collapsed. Therefore, he concentrated on the one who was at the most risk; but kept his gaze trained on the growing fracture. Anxiety cut off whatever it was that Roman had been saying, "Thomas you need to step back," his voice was cold and with the same intensity that it had had when he was trying to get the others out of his room.

Each of them turned to look at him in confusion, their host in particular, "what? What do you mean?"

Using his powers to give him a sense of urgency, the youngest facet let his voice rise into the silence that his first statement had created, "back!"

Cautiously their host began moving backwards, unaware of the danger, instead seeming to think he had said something to anger him, "did I...did I do something wrong?"

He wasn't moving fast enough, the ceiling was beginning to cave in, and if he didn't get out of the way, he could be seriously injured by the falling debris. "Move back!" As Virgil yelled the words, he lunged at Thomas, using his forearm to strike him across the chest. The online personality stumbled backwards from the blow and tripped over the coffee table, landing on his back between it and the sofa. The others gasped in shock at the violent reaction, obviously unaware of why he had attacked their host, but it was enough; he was out of harm's way. Knowing that, the youngest trait jumped towards where Morality normally would have been standing, in an attempt to get himself out of danger. However, he wasn't fast enough this time; the support beams holding up the plaster roofing gave way, and the wreckage came crashing down. A large piece of wood from one of the beams fell against his back, knocking him to the floor in the process, pinning him there. Putting his arms across the back of his head, he could feel the searing pain in one of them as he did so, and tried as best he could to protect himself as the rest of the mortar and splinters rained down around him. Anxiety was hardly aware of the others' shocked and worried exclamations, as he stifled a reaction to the piercing pain he felt in his back, arm, and chest, and his vision slowly faded to black.

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