The Blues Don't Match

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Jason wasn't there when she woke up. She assumed he went to get some food or something. Either way she wasn't going to stay still she put her phone off of silence and carried it with her Incase Jason decides to call her.

Fuck being mature and shit Thalia just needs to take a walk. She walks around the small town. It's not the best area at night by far but she doesn't care at this point.

She stops when she sees a familiar face leaned against a wall. Her stomach drops and not in a good way. Fuck no not today.

He strides over and lays his hand on the wall beside her head.

"Hey beautiful, long time no see. How have you been?" The alcohol on his breath is prominent.

-time skip-

How did she get into this mess. Here she was one second taking a walk and next she had someone who made her into a bad person kissing her sloppy. Not at all like Reyna did Reyna was neat and warm but needy with her kisses.

Luke was rough and messy. No compassion cold and lifeless but she kissed back because damnit at least she knew how he'd react if she didn't unlike Reyna. At least he was steady. She knew if she didn't kiss back he'd just hit her and for once she wouldn't be able to feel it.

"So you're mine now okay? You won't be looking at anyone else." She just nods and follows his lead. He grabs her wrist harshly and pulls her along beside him into a bar.

Reyna sat at the bar drinking coke and rum that was always her drink. Thalia immediately recognizes her and Luke didn't follow her gaze yet so she looked away quickly.

Luke kept pulling her along and she just stared blankly showing no signs of emotion. He pulled her to the bar and shoved a drink she won't drink into her hands. She could feel Reyna staring at her from a a few seats away as Luke pushes her against the bar and starts attacking her face. Thalia still didn't show any emotion over the loud bass or the sweaty bodies. She wouldn't look at Reyna. She couldn't bear to see the hurt in her eyes.

Reyna knows about Luke everyone did he's a horrible person who for some reason made her life harder but she doesn't care anymore.

Her eyes are dull and lifeless. They aren't cold like Luke's, filled with hate and a pale color that makes them devoid of all life. They're just empty no longer filled with the playful light that they once were. Even after her childhood Reyna helped keep the light there.

But now Thalia has lost it all most importantly she lost her love. The one she'd lay down everything for. She has laid everything down for her and yet Reyna still rejects her love.

Luke pulls her away. Away from the last chance she had at being happy the last shred of dignity and hope and care she had left for the world he pulled her away. And Reyna didn't think the blues of their eyes matched too well. To contrast they didn't line up like hers did with her shorter friend.

Reyna knew she had fucked everything up she noticed the emotion or rather lack of emotion within Thalia's eyes.


It was four days later when she got the letter. She had been called back to serve more time. Even if she was on standby it wasn't always the most fun. She left the key to the apartment with Alexa so that if Thalia ever needed a place to crash she could. And then she was gone.

Months flew by without a word from her. Thalia had gone by the apartment when Luke was out drinking for once not dragging her along to watch with the broken gaze that is permanently etched onto her face.

She softly touched the picture of them that was still resting on the counter where Reyna had left it. However the picture was a copy printed onto normal paper. Thalia picked it up to examine it.

The back of it had a note attached;


I will find out soon enough if you have come by the apartment or not. I left this here for you I took the original copy with me so that when the guys ask what my life is I'll have something to show them. I love you, I always will and when I get back I promise I'll show you how much I do.

Please be safe I love you forever.

Your Rey

Thalia day on the couch and put her head in her hands. The first emotions starting to appear in what felt like ages. The picture had a fine layer of dust on it from sitting abandoned on the counter for so long.

The knock at the door is what broke her attention.

She slowly walked over to the door glancing out at the drab day. It was raining turning everything dark grey and devoid of all life. It was like the life had been sucked out of every tree of every blade of grass that sat on the cold wet ground.

The sun didn't shine at all it hadn't for past few days. Thalia felt like the weather was an accurate representation of her mood. Lifeless.

When she made it to the door the man that stood outside was turning to leave.


She turned around with a grim expression one that she had become all too familiar with.

She was tan with silver eyes and a short stance that read she looked weaker than she was.  Her badge read Artemis. She looked down slightly to the letter that was out held to her urging her to grab it so she could leave and be away from the scenario that she thought was going to unfold.

When she took the letter with a trembling hand she couldn't find it in herself to leave thinking of it too inhumane to leave someone who looked so lost alone.

She watched as Thalia broke the deal and read the paper. She watched the last bit of emotion fly from her eyes and she knew why. Artemis has to write the letter and deliver it.

She knew that in that small envelope it would crush the girl in front of her that was already crushed to a point of broken beyond repair. Artemis had received the same letter concerning someone she loved, but she was a lot more fulfilled person when she lost her love.

The letter stated in short terms that Reyna had been captured and was presumed deceased. Artemis saw the last bit of little stain from the once bright orbs in front of her.

She broke her military composure and held the girl who couldn't even produce tears. Who could only clench onto the material she so desperately wanted to be Reynas uniform. But Artemis has a different smell instead of cinnamon and cocoa it's nutmeg and ginger. Thalia knew no matter how hard she gripped it would never be the person she wanted it to be.

She knew that no matter how much she wished she had just talked to Reyna she would never get that chance again because it's over now.

Artemis has to deliver the news to Hylla as well but she sure as hell wasn't going to leave this girl here because she knew what would happen. And that would only make things worse.

The silver eyes carried the broken ones to a car and helped her in. She typed in the next address and they left Thalia had grabbed her former loves favorite jacket before she left and clung to it like she could strangle her out of the jacket. She didn't notice the silent tears making their way down her face because this was it she had lost everything.

And if she hadn't lost it it was getting hurt and she couldn't stop it because the world turns and the sun keeps coming up whether you have the will to live or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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