Why Do The Fates Want Me To Die??

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The girl with the obsidian colored eyes jumped and stifled a scream when the professor put his textbook down onto her desk with a bang. She had been sleeping that much was clearly evident to the rest of the class. From the circles under her eyes to the lines from the jacket she was sleeping on.

"Now as I was saying," the class erupted in laughter to which the professor turned a blind eye, "you will be working in pairs on a project. You will be evaluating your partner and yourself as you do the project. I will assign your partners so you don't have to do it yourself."

The class groaned as Reyna started to zone out again. She snapped up when she heard her name called. "Ms.Ramirez with Mr.Octavian."

Reyna didn't know the blue eyed boy that well and frankly didn't care to seeing his past reputation. She met him in high school and let's say he wasn't the best kid.

She looked at him as he came towards her she noticed his usually cocky attitude and pep was gone from the way he walked he seemed nervous. Scared even to work with her.

"Hi, it's been a while Reyna." The pale boy timidly looked at her and held his hand out for a handshake in which Reyna reached for immediately and grasped his weaker hand firmly.

"Octavian how has it been." Reyna was going to be civil even though she had obvious disdain for the boy.

"I've cleaned myself up a lot. Created a new image I truly hope we can become friends. I sincerely apologize for how I acted in school I was an idiot." He seemed apologetic in a very sincere way.

"We all make mistakes." Reyna took in his demeanor he looks different. Skinnier, taller, more defined face and jaw. She'd give him a chance.

"So do you want to grab some coffee after class to start working on the project?" He still seemed timid.

"Sure how about the one off of sixth street?" Reyna tried to use the one closest to her apartment.

"Of course I'll see you at six?"

"No problem."

Class ended shortly after that and Reyna all but ran out of the room and back to her apartment where she found out Thalia still hadn't woken up and it was already 11am.

She put back on some comfy clothes and crawled back into the couch beside Thalia. She was very cold and quickly curled up with her tangling their limbs together without her knowledge and fell asleep with her head resting on her blue eyed counterparts chest almost not noticing the irregular heartbeat.


Thalia  was awake when Reyna came back I had just woken up actually. I decided not to get up yet. What surprised the black haired girl the most is when she felt Reyna crawl back into the couch softly and cuddle with Thalia.

She wondered how Reyna didn't notice the quickened pace of her heart rate due to how close they were. She couldn't fall asleep everywhere Reyna touched was like fire almost suffocating. She was aware of every breath of warm air hitting her neck as Reyna slowly moved her face into the crook of her neck.

About half an hour of waiting Reynas lips were pressed against Thalia's neck and she mumbled something incoherent making her lips press and brush against Thalia's neck igniting her face in flames.

It had to of been around 11:45 before Thalia could even think about moving. When she did she gently lifted Reyna off of her and set her down and replaced herself with a pillow. Reyna kept making grabby hands trying to get her to stay. Thalia Thought hat was adorable but Reyna cuddled the pillow as soon as it got close.

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