Coffee Is Better When It's Warm

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Thalia pulls up to the Coffee shop anxiously awaiting the arrival of her new friend at six sharp Reyna walks in. She's wearing a suit, the The top button on her shirt is undone. It's somehow adds a casual appearance to her formal attire. Thalia on the other hand was wearing a black leather jacket and ripped skinny jeans with her hair pulled into a beanie.

"Hey Reyna," Thalia said waving her over, "Why do you look so dressed up?"

"I had a debate before this." Reyna looked very business like putting down her bag and taking off her jacket leaving the white slightly flowing shirt underneath. Despite it being 30° outside Reyna looked like she was burning up.

"Oh how'd it go?" Thalia said handing her the hot chocolate she mentioned she liked. "It went okay; I'm kind of disappointed at the ease of which he backed off of his case." Thalia only laughed a bit. Reyna shot her a very confused look, "Dude no one here knows how to debate but I know a few that do if you really want to get some practice in."

"I'd appreciate it, why do you know debate kids?" Reyna was very confused as to why it was prevalent to this girl to know any debate kids let alone good ones.

"Believe it or not, I'm a law student." Thalia stated this as if she were embarrassed about her career choices. Reyna looked shocked but hen had an interesting gleam in her eyes.

"I needed some help with supporting my case right now I've just stuck to the LD (Lincoln Douglas) debate subject with the wealthy nations providing development assistance. Would you be willing to maybe come to my apartment later and help me?" Reyna looked hopeful she really needed this help, she wasn't an LD debater.

"Yeah I was going to ask the same actually." Thalia feels as if Reyna is a genuine person as does Reyna. I mean they are stupid young and in college. Do they really care if the person they invite over is a murderer? Probably not.

While they sat and spoke for a while longer they didn't notice the snow fall or the decreasing number of people in the small shop and soon they and he two workers were the only ones left. Thalia took a sip of her coffee for the first time in a while and coughed.

"Wow it got cold fast." Her face wrinkled up and her blue eyes disappeared behind her squinted eyelids. Reynas face also wrinkled but from laughter it wrinkled at her mouth and eyes as she laughed at her shorter counterpart.

Reyna looked out of the window and whispered, "Holy shit"

"What happened?" Thalia's face immediately was masked with concern for her friend. "It's snowing..." This was a common occurrence during winter for the area and Thalia laughed and said, "yeah that's snow for you, cold and wet." She did say it with some annoyance though.

"I've never seen it before." Thalia was crazed how had this brown eyed beauty never seen snow she quickly pulled her outside grabbing the other girls stuff on the way.

"What are you—" Reyna was cut off by a snow projectile hitting her in the face. "What are you doing?!" She shivered. "It's a snowball you dork!"

With this new found information she picked up some snow and threw it at he other girl with deadly accuracy. Thalia laughed as she jumped around attempting to get it out of her jacket but only succeeded in making her hat fall off and stood letting snowflakes fall in her hair. Reyna was mesmerized with the abilities of snow. It was beautiful she didn't realize what she was doing until she had touched Thalia's hair.

"Sorry." She said sleeping away quickly. Thalia just laughed, "You looked so entertained by the snow sticking to things." It was cute. She thought to herself.

Before she could advance this thought she ran into an open field that was covered with snow and layers down making a snow angel.

Reyna tried to copy this action but got up wrong and ruined it. Thalia only laughed and helped her this time when she tried but lost her footing and Reyna landed on top of Thalia.

"Sorry!" Reyna squeaked and quickly got up thankful for the cold for already chilling her face so Thalia couldn't see the blush forming.

"You're freezing!" Thalia said forgetting the moment. "I need to get you home ASAP where do you live?"

"I live literally right here." Reyna said and pointed to a small apartment building off to the side. Thalia grabbed her hand and pulled her there draping her coat over the taller girls shoulders. "I'm okay-" Thalia cut her off "You've never seen snow you're going to get hypothermia!"

Reyna pulled Thalia out of the snow and into the small covering. "You're staying here the dorms are far off and you're not walking back in this weather do not argue with me." Reyna said this with so much force Thalia couldn't not comply.

Reyna pulled her inside and tossed her some clothes from her room. "You can shower if you want I'll make us something to eat then we can watch a movie or something?"

"Okay, thank you Reyna I appreciate it."

"Of course."

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