Music and Memories

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When Thalia stepped out of the shower she quickly dried off and pulled the clothes Reyna had graciously allowed her to borrow on. She noticed that the worn purple shirt was a few sizes too big.

She stepped out of the bathroom with the towel twisted up on her head her hair ties red into it to ensure it dried correctly. The faint sound of Ed Sheeran graced her ears as she heard a certain girl humming along to the words.

"You look happier..."

The song trailed off as she softly laughed and looked at the girl in front of her who was making sandwiches and awkwardly dancing to the music as she did.

Reyna turned around with a start her eyes widening as she hurried to turn off the music.

"Why'd you stop you sounded great." The blue eyed girl said as she hopped on the counter next to the furiously blushing girl.

Reyna looked at the shirt and chuckled lightly. She accidentally gave her her old friends brothers shirt. Wait....

"Holy shit THALIA!" The girl excitedly hugged the blue eyed confused girl who's towel fell off of her head.


"Thalia we were best friends in high school until I left for the Air Force that's your brother shirt holy shit Grace it's been a while." Reyna laughed as she quickly became happier than she had been in a long time.

"Reyna, wow I thought it might've been you but I wasn't sure." She hugged her back tightly burrowing her face in Reynas neck. "I missed you."

They sat down and Thalia asked the question she'd been dying to know the answer to, "Why didn't you come back?" Reyna suddenly stopped smiling and her eyes flashed with a deep pain Thalia could never describe in words.

"I-I wanted to but where I was stationed there was a lot of conflict and I had to quickly go through the ranks because everyone above me kept on getting killed and eventually I was the commanding officer of the troops where I was stationed. I was there for 8 years before I was honorably discharged. I had to stay because I couldn't go home with a free conscious of all of my troops having to be stuck there. Then during my fourth year just when I had gained my highest rank I was kidnapped with all of my troops." Reyna took a shaky breath and looked down breaking eye contact, "I had to watch them get beaten these people who I quickly learned to call my family everyday being tortured. It scarred me and I stayed in captivity for a year. But when I escaped I was the only one who survived."


"Run go hurry" the officer a rank below her told her to as he was being beaten relentlessly. The rest of the troop had been beaten to death by then and their bodies were littered about.

She knew she had to run or she would join them just as lieutenant Dakota was about to. "I-I can't leave you, you're all I have."

"Please Reyna save yourself. You're our only hope. Run run far and fast."

So she did she sprinted as fast as she possibly could crying her eyes out as she looked back at the enemy troops running after her but she managed to escape.

When she got back to her position she became the most cut off person there she refused to create bonds with the people around her. She couldn't get hurt again.

"Reyna? Are you okay?" Thalia was worried Reyna hadn't spoken for a while.

"I-I'm fine sorry." Thalia quickly embraced the girl in a hug and pulled her closer. "You don't have to be fine it's okay." The blue eyed girl whispered as the military strong girl broke in her arms her best friend since pre-k had seen more things than anyone ever needed to.

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