Youre not in this class???

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Hello pleasure to meet you I've done other works on other accounts that I'm not proud of at all very embarrassed actually, but none the less here I am I hope you enjoy!

"I'm going to fucking die" the black haired girl says to her lab partner before she pours a monster energy drink into her coffee and then chugs it.
Her taller counterpart just stares as she watches her soon to be friend almost have a heart attack at the amount of caffeine she has just swallowed in one dose.

The blue eyed girl looks over at the wide eyed concerned girls face and almost dies laughing but sticks out her hand, "Thalia pleased to meet you."

"Reyna", she takes her hand and shakes it firmly.

"What got you into this class?" She said adjusting herself so her body was facing the taller brown eyed girl.

"I have to get my basics out of the way first before I can work on my actual degree." The other girl much less sociable keeps faced forward and hardly makes eye contact even though class is 15 minutes from starting she clearly shows no intention of conversation.

"Ah same, they won't let me get through this thing fast will they, try to keep you in here longer so they can get more money from you" she looked very disturbed by this. However Reyna had to agree she was barely standing on anything at this point. Luckily she had been able to find a cheap apartment by the campus so that she didn't have to room with a stranger unlike Thalia who was living in the dorms with most of the students.

Reyna showing first sign of interest shifts her body so she's facing Thalia realizing she probably needs to make at least one friend. Although she isn't too terribly good at the socializing part of things, she will try valiantly to keep her social life alive.

"I couldn't agree more I'm looking under couch cushions for pennies at this point" this earns a laugh from the electricity laced eyes.

The professor walks in just as she was starting to say something back cutting Thalia off. She quickly scribbled her number down on a piece of paper and handed it to Reyna. "I'm not actually in this class but call me or text maybe we can hang out some time? 845-346-1234" (not a real number) Reyna was terribly confused why did this girl come in here if she wasn't even in this class?

This question didn't leave her mind even when she arrived back at her apartment and texted Thalia.

Unknown number:
"Hey this is Reyna"

Thalia quickly typed out a quick reply,

Unknown number:
"Hey this is Thalia, want to hang out? Maybe go to get coffee at the shop on 6th street?"

Reyna put her number into her phone quickly as did Thalia.

"Yeah sure what time?"

"Is six okay?"

"I'll see you there."

Thalia put her phone down and sighed her roommate was off on some tangent about another male celebrity which Thalia never understood. Her roommate was something else, not in a bad way just not in a Thalia way. One of the reasons she even spoke to Reyna was that she looked nice enough and was hoping she'd be willing to trade roommates or to do something because Thalia couldn't live with this crazed girl much longer.

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